The works of the flesh are the real cause of marital pain, marriage breakdowns and divorce, they go beyond domination by fleshly desires, and physical attractions to other people outside of marriage, to other very destructive aspects of character that destroy marriage relationships. Rom.8v1-4. Jesus is still in the business of saving and healing our marriage relationships.

Paul's missionary tours brought him into contact with the total moral and spiritual corruption in the Greek and Roman world. Some measure of marital fidelity and purity was the expected norm in the early days of Rome, but when Rome conquered Greece, the debased Greek moral standards corrupted Roman life, and immorality became the established custom and practice. In Greece, there was no shame over sexual immorality, either before or after marriage. The Greek practice of husbands having cultured and sophisticated mistresses, and wives having extra marital male lovers, became the norm in Rome. All kinds of sexual depravity corrupted all of society from high to low. The wife of Emperor Claudius, the Empress Messalina, was notorious for her immorality; she frequently stole out of the royal palace to at night to serve in a public brothel; no prostitute could match her capacity or endurance, she was always the last to leave. In Rome sexual depravity manifested itself in the most appalling numbers of divorces and remarriages, and in men's treatment and attitude towards women, and the rights of women within marriage and over divorce. In Rome, women had no legal rights, a man could tell his wife to go and divorce her, just when he felt like it. Juvenal records that one woman had eight husbands in five years. Jerome tells of a woman who was the twenty first wife of her husband, and he was her twenty third husband. The Greek Plato said, "A bad man's fate would be reincarnation as a woman." God's Law did not allow this evil and contemptuous attitude to women, or the easy multiple divorce that was practised by the heathen, women had definite rights under the Law; even the right of divorce for ill-treatment and partiality in a polygamous marriage. Exod.21v10,11. (Even a guilty wife could find mercy. Deut.24v1-4.) God is very angry with men who divorce their wives when they lose their beauty as they get older, and warns that He will not accept the offering of those who deal treacherously with "the wife of their youth" in this way. Mal.2v14-17. Peter emphasises the same point in 1Pet.3v7..

Dreadful unnatural vice in the form of incest and homosexuality was rampant every-where in both Greek and Roman society. Caligula committed habitual incest with his sister Drusilla, and Nero even violated his own mother, Agrippina. It was common talk that Socrates and Plato were "content with the love of boys," and Plato's work on homosexual love, his "Symposium" 178 D, confirms this. The whole of Greek society was riddled and corrupted by homosexuality, and Rome became corrupted by this "national disease of Greece." Gibbon tells us that Claudius was the only one among the first fifteen Emperors, "whose taste in love was entirely correct." Nero went through a marriage service, and had a marriage procession in Rome, with a castrated youth named Sporus. Emperor Hadrian had his homosexual partner Antonius deified, after his death through drowning. The depravity in society was so appalling, that even pagan writers and historians were disgusted by it. When Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, there was only filth on offer under the tinsel and show. In Greece and Rome it was normal for prostitution to be connected with religion. In Corinth, a thousand so called "sacred prostitutes," came down each night from the Temple of Aphrodite, to practice their seductions; and immorality with them was looked upon as a sacred duty. Our Lord told Paul in a vision, "I have many people in this city," Acts.18v8-11., and it is a remarkable fact that Paul had a mighty revival in this evil and corrupt city of Corinth. The Greek city of Corinth was probably the most corrupt city in the world; but the preaching of the Gospel brought deliverance to those held captive with sexual and moral problems. Paul's cure for the Corinthians was the preaching of Christ crucified, confirmed by mighty signs and wonders. 1Cor.2v1-4. 2Cor.12v12. It is essential to note that God's restraining hand on evil spirits, has meant that only a small minority of the Heathen have been demon possessed, even though they have been so utterly depraved in their living.


"Moicheia," occurs in Mt.15v19. Mk.7v21. Jn.8v3. (and Gal.5v19. in the Majority Text); and "moichos," which occurs in Lk.18v11. 1Cor.6v9. Heb.13v4. (and Jam.4v4. in the Majority Text); describes someone who has intercourse with the husband or wife of another person. "Moichalis," an adulteress, occurs in Mt.12v39. 16v4. Mk.8v38. Rom.7v3. Jam.4v4. and 2Pet.2v14. Adultery is a common sin today and it has caused the breakdown of untold millions of marriages. However, it is essential to note that Jesus showed wonderful mercy and forgiving grace to the woman of Samaria, and the woman taken in adultery. Jn.4v1-29. 8v1-11. Our Lord's name is Jesus, "Jesous," a transliteration of the Hebrew, "Joshua," which means, "Yahweh is salvation, or Yahweh is the Saviour," Jesus came to save and restore, not to condemn, and He has forgiven and restored untold millions of marital failures, and this is still His present ministry today. Jn.3v16,17.

"Porneia," is used for all kinds of unlawful sexual uncleanness, and includes homosexuality as well as fornication and harlotry. A "porne" is a prostitute and "porneia" speaks of sexual love that is not love at all, but merely a selfish gratification of lust. In sharp contrast to this is true Biblical love and marriage, where each partner manifests constant genuine practical care and tenderness towards the other partner. Relationships in Christian marriage should be like that between Christ and His Church. Eph.5v24-29. Col.3v18,19. Lust defiles the personality, but true love, and the correct use of sexual powers, produces an enlargement of the soul and spirit and true worship of God.

Paul warned the Corinthians, that many of them had been sick, and others had died by divine discipline because of their unclean living. 1Cor.11v29-32. The man who committed incest with his father's wife, was disciplined by handing him over to Satan for the destruction of his body; however, a real repentance caused mercy to be shown and judgement to be withdrawn, and the man was welcomed back into fellowship. 1Cor.5v1-5. 2Cor.2v4-11. 7v8-16. The cure was discipline by exclusion from the Church fellowship, and possible judgement and execution by God, if there was no repentance. God loves and cares for His Church, and His chastenings are intended to spiritually benefit those who are under discipline, and purify and protect His Church from evil. 1Cor.11v32. Paul urged and commanded the Corinthians to flee from sexual impurity, because those who did such things would not inherit the kingdom of God. 1Cor.6v9-20. 2Cor.12v20,21.

Paul told the Greek Thessalonians that they must totally abstain from sexual impurity, 1Thes.5v3-5.; and the Colossians to mortify the sins of the flesh, and to put on the new man. Col.3v5-14. These were totally new ideas to the nations that Paul went to preach to, for pandering to the evil desires of the flesh was the norm. Paul's message to these people was salvation and victory in Jesus. The cleansing blood, and risen life of Christ, gave them, and still gives us, the power to live in purity, and in victory over the flesh.

3. UNCLEANNESS. "Akatharsia."
"Akatharsia," speaks of moral impurity. It is used in the papyri to describe the dirt in a filthy house, and pus from an infected wound. In the Septuagint it is used of an unclean immoral woman in Hos.2v10.; the ceremonial and moral uncleanness that stops a person approaching God in Lev.18v19. 22v3.; and the moral uncleanness that destroys a person or nation in Micah.2v10. and Prov.6v16.. "Akatharsia," speaks of a corrupt person whose whole personality is defiled by filthiness in word thought and deed, and who glories in that corruption and filthiness. There is a great deal of uncleanness in the world today, it is poisoning millions of marriages; many people have been deceived by the lie of the Devil that that fulfilment comes through uncleanness, when the truth is that true fulfilment and happiness can only come through purity and genuine "agape" love.

"Aselgeia," speaks of shameless wantonness and lasciviousness. It describes someone who is audacious, insolent and violent, totally undisciplined and debased, and completely controlled by sensual desire. They have a total absence of sympathy, and are completely indifferent to the feelings and opinions of others. They have no desire to repent of their sin, or hide sin; and they openly applaud immorality. This is the shameless total abandonment to evil seen in Rom.1v32..

N.B.1. There is a progression and climax of evil in these words. "Moicheia," is infidelity in marriage. "Porneia," includes all sexual uncleanness, and unnatural sexual perversion. "Akatharsia" shows the spreading defilement and deterioration of the whole personality. "Aselgeia" speaks of shameless total abandonment to evil. These words describe the worst of sexual immorality, and the total depravity of personality; however, Paul did not say that these people were possessed, he says that this was a result of allowing the flesh to dominate the life. We know that Satan can use and incite the desires of the flesh; however, Paul blames this total depravity of soul on people's desire for indulgence in the sins of the flesh. Some people don't need much help from the Wicked One to be really evil, they just wallow in the sins of the flesh. The sexual sins that we have considered dominated the cities of Tyre, Sidon and Sodom; Jesus said the cure for this evil was mighty signs and wonders that would convict and compel them to repentance and faith. Mt.11v20-24. Lk.10v13. Rom.15v18-21.

N.B. 2.
Some preachers foolishly say these works of the flesh are demons, and try to exorcise them from almost everybody they pray for. They give the works of the flesh such names as, a spirit of anger, a spirit of lust, a spirit of homosexuality, and many other such names. This cannot be correct, for nowhere in the Scriptures do we find any evil spirit being named in this way, nor anyone being exorcised of moral problems. "A spirit of divination," can be exorcised, but you cannot exorcise the sins of the flesh. Acts.16v16. It is impossible to cast out the flesh, it has to be conquered by repentance, walking in the Spirit and self discipline. Gal.5v16,24. Paul ascribes moral problems to "the works of the flesh," and "an evil heart of unbelief." Heb.3v12. People corrupt themselves and wilfully welcome the dominion of the flesh, and the corruptions of the world, the flesh, and the Devil. Exod.32v6,7,25. Deut.9v12. Rom.1v18-32. 3v11-23. Eph.2v1-3.

Some people ascribe physical sickness to demons; however, only a small fraction of sickness is due to demon possession. Jesus did cast out a spirit that made a person dumb in Mt.9v32,33 Mk.9v17-25. Lk.11v14., and healed a person blind and dumb by casting out an evil spirit. Mt.12v22. The woman in Lk.13v11., with "a spirit of infirmity," was not exorcised by Jesus, He laid His hands on her and healed her. Satan had bound her with sickness for eighteen years by attacking her body with evil power; she was not possessed by a demon, no more than Job was when he was attacked by Satan in his body. In Mt.4v23,24., we see that epilepsy, lunacy, and ordinary sickness is distinguished from demon possession and exorcism.

N.B. 3. Paul exhorts Christians to "mortify" and "put off the old man and his evil deeds and put on the new man and agape love," and "to put on the Lord Jesus Christ." Eph.4v22-25. Col.3v5-17. Rom.13v14. We put off the old life by an act of repentance, and obtain victory over the works of the flesh through the "law of the Spirit and life in Christ." Through Christ's atoning blood and His life and intercessions, we can be set free from "the law of sin and death," and the "righteousness of the Law can be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Rom.8v1-4. Paul achieved victory over the flesh through the grace of God, and by exercising self-discipline, and a transfigured renewed mind; 1Cor.9v24-27. Rom.12v2.; and victory over Satan by putting on God's armour. Rom.13v12. Eph.6v11. Paul commended the Corinthians for their repentance and godly sorrow, which brought deliverance from evil in their lives. 2Cor.7v1,8-11. Walking with God will transform our marriages, and preserve them from the disruptions and pain caused by the works of the flesh. Gen.5v22-24. Heb.11v5.



Idolatry is the worship of images and things before God. Paul deliberately placed idolatry immediately after sexual perversion, because it was the desire for immoral living that produced idolatry, people wanted gods that condoned immorality. Israel made a golden calf so that they could run riot in the sins of the flesh. Paul tells us that sexual powers wrongly used end up in idolatry, and making idolatry of sex, and the worship of the creature instead of the Creator. Rom.1v16-22. Paul states that demons are behind idolatry. 1Cor.10v20. Heathen idols were often horrendously ugly, Diana (Artemis) of the Ephesians was a really ugly black squat idol covered with many breasts. False religion in the form of idolatry and occultism, were among the major opponents of the early Church. Many Christians were executed by the Roman state, because they would not worship the Emperor as God. The world today has its idols, it worships its film stars and pop idols, sex and material things. Our Lord told us not to be anxious, for life's material necessities will be added to us if we seek first the kingdom of Heaven. Mt.6v25-34. Lk.12v22-34. The evils of idolatry, witchcraft, and sorcery have always been the enemies of marriage, they always destroy marital happiness; covetousness is idolatry of worldly things, and it has the very same result. Col.3v5.

"Pharmakon," was a drug and, "pharmakeia," the use of drugs. The noun "pharmakeia" occurs in Gal.5v20. Rev.9v21. 18v23.. "Sorcerer," "pharmakus," occurs in Rev.21v8.; and "pharmakos," in Rev.22v15.. "Mageia," "sorceries," in Acts.8v11. and "mageuo," "sorcery," in Act8v9.. "Magos," is translated as "sorcerer" in Acts.13v6,8.; and the plural "magi," as "wise men" in Mt.2v1,7,16. Sorcery and witchcraft in Paul's time were very similar to their modern equivalents; images of people were made and destroyed, and curses were put upon people by invoking the powers of darkness. In Paul's time, magic, divination, astrology and the occult powers mentioned in Deut.18v10-22., were commonly practised. People were full of fear, and used amulets and charms in an effort to protect themselves from witchcraft, sorcery, magical spells and the evil eye. The value of the books on magic burned in the revival at Corinth was about £50,000, which shows how rife magical practices were in Paul's time. Acts.19v19. These occult practices were one of the main obstacles to the spread of the Gospel in the early Church, and this is why miracles were needed to confirm the truth of the Gospel. Philip and Paul compelled the Gentiles to believe in Jesus, by doing greater miracles than the servants of Satan. Acts.8v4-13. 13v6-12. 18v11-20. Rom.15v18-21.

N.B. 1. Paul tells us that people go into idolatry, witchcraft and sorcery, because they want a belief that will allow them to indulge in the sins of the flesh. If people wilfully reject God and righteousness, God gives them up to a reprobate mind and the lusts that they desire. Rom.1v18-32. N.B.v24,26,28. However, God's amazing love and protecting mercy is still around His creation, and His mighty hand restrains the powers of darkness to a great extent. 2Thes.2v7. This is why only a few worldly people have been possessed by evil spirits, even when they worship idols and been addicted to charms and occultism.

N.B. 2. God's children and their homes are protected from curses put upon them by occultists, for God's guiding eye and power protects Christian homes from Satan's malice. Numb.23v23. Ps.32v8-11. 1Pet.1v4-8. When Balaam tried to curse Israel by sorcery, God would not allow it, and made Balaam pronounce blessing on Israel. Numb.22v5,6. 23v8,23. Balaam was greedy for Balak's promise of wealth, he knew that God's anger would come against Israel if they went into evil, so Balaam told Balak to send in many of the beautiful women of Moab to corrupt Israel by immorality and idolatry. Rev.2v14. Numb.31v15,16. Satan still uses the same ploy today to break up people's marriages. Balaam's plan was successful, but it did not profit him, he died under divine judgement, fighting the people of God. Jude.v11. Josh.13v22. Rev.2v14. The Egyptian sorcerers Jannes and Jambres, who opposed Moses, even turned sticks into snakes by the power of Satan. However they found themselves out-miracled by Moses, and on the receiving end of divine judgement, when they tried to resist and oppose God. 2Tim.3v8. Exod.7v11,12,22. 8v7,18,19. 9v11. Witchcraft and sorcery are repeatedly condemned and forbidden in the Scriptures; God warns that eternal punishment awaits all occultists who do not repent of their evil practices. Ex.22v18. Deut.18v10-22. Is.2v6. 47v9,12. 57v3. Jer.27v9. Dan.2v2,27. Mic.5v12. Mal.3v5. Rev.9v21. 21v8. 22v15.


Many attitudes that ruin and destroy marriages are here described.

1. ENMITIES. "Exthrai."
Millions of marriages that started with affection have ended in hostility and enmity. "Echthros," is an enemy, "exthrai," is enmity, personal animosities and quarrels. It only occurs three times in the New Testament, all of them in Paul's writings. Paul writes in Gal.5v20., that it is one of the works of the flesh. In Rom.8v7. he states, "The mind which is only interested in carnal things is hostile to God." Finally Paul tells us in Ephes.2v14-16., that the Law of God was the reason for the enmity between Jew and Gentile, and that the cross of Jesus is the means by which God has reconciled Jew and Gentile, and put to death the enmity between them. Enmity is the driving force behind class and racial prejudice, and the Jews were badly polluted by it, they said that the Gentiles were on a level with the forbidden unclean animals, and were fuel for the flames of Hell, and hated by the Almighty. Peter, like all Jews, was poisoned by these evil ideas, and would not even eat with a Gentile; God taught him differently through a remarkable vision, in which He commanded Peter not to call God-fearing Gentiles unclean, because they were acceptable to Him. The lesson was completed by meeting the remarkable godly Gentile Cornelius, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon him and his godly praying friends. Acts.10v1-48. 11v1-7.

"Ereis," plural, in the Majority Text.

"Eris," speaks of contention, variance, strife, and dissension. Enmity, "exthrai," is a state of mind; whereas, strife, "eris," is the product and manifestation of that hostile mind. "Eris," occurs in Rom.1v29. 13v13. 1Cor.1v11. 3v3. 2Cor.12v20. Gal.5v20. Phil.1v15. 1Tim.6v4. Tit.3v9. It is one of the evils of the heathen world, which should not be seen among Christians. Rom.1v29. 13v13. Paul uses "eris" three times when he laments the real and deep hatred and quarrellings between the sects and parties in the Church at Corinth. 1Cor.1v11. 3v3. 2Cor.12v20. Our Lord is also very sad when He sees His perfect ideal of happy marriage destroyed by strife and dissension.

In Phil.1v15., Paul warns us that enmity can even be the motivation for preaching the Gospel. What was true then, is true today, there can be bitter rivalry and strife between denominations. Christ is often preached and uplifted in evangelism to increase a denominations membership, rather than to meet people's needs and glorify Him. The same message can be preached, but the motivation can be entirely different; we can use our organisations with the pure motive to serve and uplift Christ, or we can uplift Christ with the impure motive of exalting and increasing our denominational or personal kingdoms. The parable of the workers in the vineyard shows us that our motives for serving God will be "tried by fire" at the judgement seat of Christ. 1Cor.3v10-14. Mt.19v23. to 20v16. Jesus warns us that a hireling spirit, and wrong motives in serving God, will result in those who are first in the Church on earth, being last in God's kingdom. Mt.19v30. 20v16.

Rivalry, "eris," manifests itself in party spirit and doctrinal bigotry, it is seen when denominations become more important than God and people. Rivalry is the enemy of true Christian love and unity, for it divides up the body of Christ. The cure is not organic unity, but a true unity of the Spirit and love between all Christians. The powers of darkness try to foster party spirit in the Church for they know that this will effectively destroy the power of the Church. The approaching terrible end time trials will compel many Christians to forget their bigotry and party spirit, and make them fellowship in love and unity together.


a. "Zeloi" is used in a good sense.

In the Septuagint of God's zeal; "The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this;" Is.9v7.; and the jealous dedicated love of God. Ezek.16v37,38. 23v25. It describes Christ's zeal for God and righteousness. Ps.69v9. Jn.2v17. It describes Paul's godly jealousy for the Corinthians, 2Cor.11v2., and their zeal for Paul, 2Cor.7v7., and the zeal in their repentance, 2Cor.7v11., and their zeal for the poor at Jerusalem. 2Cor.9v2.. The verb "zeloo" is used for zeal for spiritual gifts in 1Cor.12v31. and 14v39..

b. "Zeloi" is used in a bad sense.
Paul uses "zelos" of his own and the Jews misguided "zeal for God," and the Law. Rom10v2. Phil.3v6. In Rom.13v12,13. Paul warned the Corinthians that jealousy is an evil work of the flesh; and a proof of the domination of the old nature, and told them that he feared that it could return. 1Cor.3v3. 2Cor.12v20. Jealousy cannot stand the light and glory of Christ's holy presence. Jealous suspicion has poisoned and even destroyed many marriage relationships and marriages.

"Thumos," occurs in Lk.4v28. Acts.19v28. Rom.2v8. 2Cor.12v20. Gal.5v20. Eph.4v31. Col.3v8. Heb.11v27. Rev.12v12. 14v8,10,19. 15v1,7. 16v1,19. 18v3. 19v15. It speaks of "stirring emotions," then, "a flair up of temper," or "passionate explosive outbursts of anger. "Thumos" anger is "great but transient anger," and is "like fire in straw;" which distinguishes it from "orge" anger; which is a long-lasting anger which is cherished in the memory. "Orge" is used to speak of God's weighed judicial verdict; His anger of justice. Rom.1v18. Eph,5v6. Col.3v6. Rev.6v16,17. 11v18. etc.

a. "Thumos," can be used of anger in a good sense, of righteous indignation.
"Thumos" is used to speak of God's righteous anger in His judgmental acts in the Great Tribulation, and on the great day of His wrath at Christ's coming. However, Paul states that anger, "orge," and wrath, "thumos," now rests upon all those who are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness. Rom.2v8. Our Lord's anger in Mt.23, shows that it is very necessary to be angry at injustice and evil; anger can be an instrument of God's purposes; indeed it is a sin not to be angry at times. God's "thumos" anger springs from His "agape" love; and gives us a revelation of His heart and mind, and His great concern and care for His creation. We too, can be angry "orgizo," and yet not sin, but get rid of it before sundown. Eph.4v26.

b. "Thumos," can speak of outbursts of uncontrolled harmful rage.
"Thumos" anger, and "orge" anger, and bitterness, clamour, evil speaking and malice, are to be put away from us; and are to be replaced by tender-hearted forgiving love. Eph.4v31,32. The "thumos," explosive temper; and the "orge," brooding anger; are to be "put off," with the other evil works of the flesh. Col.3v8. Jesus said that if we are angry with our brother without cause, we are liable to judgement. Mt.5v22. In 2Cor.12v20., Paul states his fear that he would find outbursts of anger in the church at Corinth, along with other works of the flesh. Violent outbursts of anger injure the weak and innocent, and destroy homes and churches. Many marriages have been destroyed by "thumos" outbursts of anger in the home, and by smouldering "orge" anger inside marital partners. Root them out, and get them gone.

Selfish worldly ambition has destroyed a great many marriages. "Eritheia," means literally, "working for hire," and is from "erithos," "one who works for hire;" it is used in the sense of one who can be bought, or bribed. Some say it speaks of a self-seeking person, and selfishness. Others think it speaks of factions, and party rivalry, a person whose allegiance can be bought for advantage. Wordsworth says; "The word "eritheia" is from "erithos," "a labourer for hire" (from root "erdo"), 1. "a mercenary;" and 2. one who "hires himself" to a cabal for "party purposes:" and therefore signifies, 3. "a venal partisan;" such as the "factions" of gladiators, and other ruffians hired by rival candidates at elections to intimidate the voters in the Roman forum." Aristotle uses the verb "eritheuesthai," to speaks of the self-seeking pursuit of office by unfair means, a corrupt personal ambition for power, without any concern for the welfare of the people. Aristotle said this practice could lead to revolutions; it can certainly lead to the break-up of marriages.

Paul uses "eritheia" five times, Rom.2v8. 2Cor.12v20. Gal.5v20. Phil.1v16,17. 2v3., and James twice. James.3v14,16. Paul uses it in the context of party spirit and divisions within the churches. In 2Cor.12v20., Paul feared that party spirit was a sin that defiled the Corinthian Church. In Phil.1v16,17., Paul criticises the competitive party spirit of some preachers. In Phil.2v3., Paul exhorts us not to do anything from ambition, or vain glory, but to follow Christ's wonderful example of self-renunciation and humility. In Gal.5v20., Paul warns that "eritheia" is a dangerous work of the flesh, and in James.3v14,16., James warns it produces "every evil work." In Rom.2v8., Paul uses "eritheia," of worldly people whose self-seeking unrighteous ambition stops them from obeying the truth. This scrambling after wealth, honour, position, and power, has disastrous effects in churches and homes, as well as the world. Rackham says the meaning is "election intrigue;" which would well describe the power politics and worldly attitudes which have often corrupted church organisations. Paul is speaking of a self-seeking ambitious person, who seeks after power and office, not with the thought of loving service, but for personal and party profit and prestige. Selfish ambition ruined Satan, and it has ruined many Christians and churches, and destroyed many marriages. Is.14v12-20.

6. DIVISIONS. "Dichostasia;"
Unity of purpose in the home is as important as unity in the Church, a permanent state of friction and disunity is almost certain to produce a breakdown in marriage. Division is due to domination by the flesh. "Dichostasia," means "splits in two," or "a standing apart," from "dicha," "asunder," and "stasis," "apart." It speaks of a state of acute and settled division, which destroys the unity of Christ's body, or a marriage. In the New Testament, "dichostasia" only occurs in Paul's writings. In Rom.16v7., Paul warns the Roman Christians to mark and avoid those who cause divisions. Divisions in the Church may seem to be due to theological controversy, class and race hatred, and religious bigotry; however, the real cause is domination by the carnal nature, and failure to mature spiritually. In 1Cor.3v1-3., Paul states that the divisions in the Corinthian church were due to carnality and spiritual infancy, and this is the real cause of divisions in the home.

7. HERESIES. "Haireseis;"
Many marriages have been ruined because the partners in a marriage have refused to give each other space to observe their religious, or secular preferences. The English word "heresies," is a transliteration of the Greek word "haireseis;" the English word speaks of false doctrine which is opposed to orthodox truth; whereas "haireseis," means "choosings, preferences," and is derived from "haireomai," or "haireo," "to choose, to select." See Phil.1v22. 2Thes.2v13. Heb.2v25. It can be used for either a good or bad choice, or preference. In the New Testament, "hairesis" usually speaks of a form of opinion, and is used in the sense of a sect; the sect of the Sadducees, Acts.5v7.; the sect of the Pharisees, Acts.15v5. and 26v5.; of Christians, as the sect of the Nazarenes, Acts.24v5.; which in Acts.24v14., Paul says his enemies contemptuously called heresy, "hairesin." In Acts.28v22., the Jews at Rome said to Paul, "concerning this sect, "hairesis," we know that it is everywhere spoken against." The plural "haireseis," is used to speak of preferences or choosings which cause division in the church. In 1Cor.11v19., "heresies," could be "sects," a separation on doctrinal lines. Christians can have different preferences and different doctrinal views, and yet remain in perfect love and accord. However, intellectual differences can lead to the actual separation of Christians from one another, and this is what Paul is thinking of in Gal.5v20., and 1Cor.11v19.. This difference of opinion, "hairesis," can lead to actual schism, "schisma," in the body of Christ; and even to "damnable heresies," that destroy the soul, and fragment the Church. These preferences have divided homes, and ruined marriage relationships. 2Pet.2v1.

8. ENVYINGS, "Phthonoi."
Envy is even more destructive in family relationships that jealousy. Jealousy, "zelos," casts hostile grudging looks; "phthonos," "envy," is more malignant than jealousy, it has arrived at the stage of hostile acts. It is grief at another persons good fortune; it is not just the pain that they do not possess their good fortune or blessings; but the bitterness that the other person does. It is not so much the desire for what another person has; it is the desire to take away from another what they have, or prevent them from possessing it. "Zelos," "jealousy," can sometimes speak of noble ambition, and desire for something good, as well as a covetous evil desire; whereas. "phthonos," "envy," can only speak of a bitter ill will. It is not just the pain over an enemy's good fortune; it is the grief over a friend's good fortune. The jealousy, "zelos," of the Jews led to the active opposition of the more malignant "phthonos," "envy;" and caused them to murder Jesus. Though Judas became possessed by Satan, it is not recorded that any of the leaders of Israel became possessed, the evil jealousy and envy in their hearts drove them to oppose and murder Jesus. Mk.2v5-7,16,23,24. 3v1,2. 15v10. Mt.27v18.

"Phthonoi," occurs in the Majority Text, in the works of the flesh in Gal.5v19-22.; Paul uses it in Rom.1v29., to speak of one of the sins which people are filled with when they choose not to retain God in their knowledge; and in Phil.1v15,16., of some who preached Christ to spite Paul, and tried to hinder his ministry. We are warned against this dangerous sin. 1Tim.6v4. Tit.3v3. 1Pet.2v1. (Gal.5v26. "phoneo"). The envy that drives one to keep up with the Jones's can lead to tragic circumstances.

9. MURDERS. "Phonoi."
Envy and strife has led to a large number of murders in families throughout the centuries. The alliterative reading, "phthonoi phonoi," "envy, murder," occurs in a large majority of texts and versions in Gal.5v21., and Paul also uses this combination in Rom.1v29.; and it is not without reason; for envy has caused war in world history, and murder in families, as we see in the case of Cain and Abel. Gen.4v1-10. James.3v14 to 4v6. Pilate knew that Israel's religious leaders had murdered Jesus out of envy. Mt.27v18. Mk.15v10.

10. DRUNKENNESS. "Methe."
Paul warns us that drunkards will not inherit God's kingdom, and we are not even to eat with them. Lk.21v34. 1Cor.5v10,11. Untold millions of marriages and homes have been destroyed, and are still suffering today from drunkenness. It causes physical and psychological injury to wives and children, financial deprivation, stress, anxiety and fear. Paul said he would not drink wine if it caused anyone to stumble, this is an important principle. Prov.20v1. Rom.14v21. 1Cor.8v9,13. Social drinking with unbelievers is very dangerous. 1Cor.6v9 to 7v1. It is true that Jesus drank wine with perfect self-control. Mt.11v19. Lk.7v34. However, Jesus warns us that drunkenness will stop us from being prepared for His coming, and will end in eternal punishment. Mt.24v48-51. Lk.21v34. Also see Prov.20v1. Is.28v7. Ezek.23v33. 39v19.

Paul also uses "methe," "drunkenness," and "komos," "riotous feasting," in Rom.13v13., the only other place where they occur together in the New Testament. Paul was speaking, not of a celebration, but of total debauchery, orgies and blasphemous riotous feasting; like Belshazzar's feast. Dan.5v1-31. In 1Pet.4v3., Peter also warns against this "revelling and banqueting." Orgies still occur today, and even ordinary parties often lead to immorality and the break-up of marriages.

12. AND SUCH LIKE. Paul states that the list could be extended, it is comprehensive, but not exhaustive.

a) Through legitimate fulfilment of proper desire. "Let them marry." 1Cor.7v2,7-9.
b) Through the means of grace, fasting, prayer, fellowship and God's Word.
c) Through a life of love and service that fulfils and satisfies.
d) Through crucifying the flesh through the fullness and presence of the Holy Spirit, and the law of the Spirit and life in Christ. Rom.8v1-3. Gal.2v20,21. In Gal.5v24., Paul tells us, "They that they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." The cure for the works of the flesh is repentance, crucifixion of the flesh, living in the Spirit, and the growth of the fruit of the Spirit. Gal.5v16-26.
e) Through considering the end of life and future reward, as Paul states in 1Cor.9v26,27., "Lest by any means, after that I had preached to others, I myself should be rejected." "Rejected," is "adokimos," "disapproved," it is used of metals, which are not up to standard, and are not sterling silver." Our marriage relationships will be tested and tried by God.

Some ascribe the works of the flesh to demon possession, however, these fleshly works can't be exorcised. those who replace the teaching of Paul with a false exorcism, give Christians the wrong medicine, and fail to solve their marriage problems.

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