The challenge of Christ's ministry is directed particularly at the more mature Christians and the Christian leaders of Christ's Church, for God does not expect to much of spiritual babes. 1Cor.3v1,2. Heb.5v11-14. Lk.6v40. However, I trust that the challenge of Christ's ministry as revealed in the following pages will be a spur and goal to all who read them. The example that Christians should follow is the ideal one revealed in the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His early Church and not any man-made substitute. I make no apology for the standard laid down in the following pages, it is the standard laid down by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

The ministries and teaching of Christ and His early Church show us that the ministries that God has set in the Church are never intended to function without the manifest power of God. Eph.4v11. 1Cor.12v28-31. Intellectualism is inadequate, it is barren without the power of God. Intellectual argument needs to be anointed with God's power and presence. Words have to be anointed words like the words of Christ, He said "the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life". Jn.6v63. Some have mistaken oratory, earnestness and noise for the anointing of God, but those who live close to God can easily discern between the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the "strange fire" of humanistic endeavour. Lev.10v1-10. Christ commissioned every preacher He sent forth to work miracles, and every church to be a centre of revival, salvation and healing.

You may say that this is to demanding, but should anyone be a leader in Christ's Church, who is not prepared to accept the standard that He demands for a leader in His Church. To be a mere professional preacher without being a minister of God's life, means that a person is in for great condemnation when they meet our Lord. James3v1. Christ's apostles preached with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, every leader manifested spiritual gifts. 1Pet.1v12. Jesus never intended His Church to be a tower of Babylonian humanistic endeavour, He wants it to be a body energised with the power of God. It is imitation, not observation, of Christ and His Church, that makes a person a Christian. There will be no revival today unless Christians, and Christian leaders in particular, imitate Christ and His early Church by having a mighty life of communion with God and an earnest desire after full-salvation, holiness and Christ's spiritual gifts. Let us now consider:-

Christ showed His Church by His perfect example how He wants those to love Him to pray and live. Christ prayed and lived victoriously, in persecution, temptation, crisis, success, popularity and death. Christ prayed at all times, and had special periods of prayer early in the morning and late at night, and sometimes all night. Christ said that His walk with His Father was so real that He was in contact with heaven all the time.Jn.3v13. "the Son of man which is in heaven2. Christ's prayer-life was so impressive that His disciples said "Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples". Lk.11v1-13. Christ's prayer-life is the example for the Christian and we need to accept its challenge and imitate it. No minister, preacher, elder or church member, can fulfil the commission of Christ without they seek God in His Word and in prayer. There can be no N.T. ministry without communion with God. The early Church waited upon God for 10 days before Pentecost, and the apostles gave themselves continually to prayer and the ministry of God's Word after Pentecost. Acts.1v14. 3v23-31. 6v1-4. cf. Col.4v12.


A. When Christians have a vital encounter with a risen Christ.

The early Church had a vital encounter with a crucified and risen Saviour. Their salvation from sin and their walk with Christ was intensely real and precious to them. Their hearts had been cleansed and their fears removed, by meeting with their mighty Saviour and by walking with Him in His risen life. Acts.1v3.

B. When Christians have a life of continual prayer and praise.
The early Christians were continually praising God for their salvation, as a result of knowing a living risen Saviour. Lk.24v53. Acts.2v47. They never grew tired of prayer and praise to God, they did not time the prayer-meeting with a stop watch, or watch the clock. They loved praying and praising God, and they were victorious in their prayers as a result. Acts.1v14. 4v23-31. 13v1-4. They did not neglect legitimate necessary interests under a guise of being religious, but whenever they had the opportunity they sought God in prayer and praise. 1Tim.5v8. Because they sought God so earnestly they received such a fullness of the Spirit, that the whole Roman empire shook under the impact of it. Avts.2v1-4. 24v5. 28v22. 17v6.

C. When Christians have a real love for one another.

There was a beautiful and genuine Christian love in the early Church, and anything that was likely to spoil this beautiful spirit, was promptly dealt with by God through the apostles. Practical matters that were causing division and friction were promptly dealt with as well so that this outstanding and beautiful love could be preserved. Acts.5v1-11. 15v35. 6v7. The fruits of the Spirit spoken of in Gal.5v22-26. and 1Cor.13v4-8. are essential in every church. It is only love that makes spiritual power a blessing, Satan's activities demonstrate how dangerous and deadly spiritual power can be if it is not directed by love. God will not bring great numbers of young converts into sinful, strife-ridden churches, for they very often die soon after birth in this kind of church, young converts have to be nourished and cherished and brought up in an atmosphere of love if they are to survive. Those converts who do survive in a sinful, strife- ridden church, very often manifest the same undesirable characteristics as their spiritual parents. We will now close these brief thoughts on love, with the words of John the apostle of love, "He that loveth not God; for God is love".1John4v8.

D. When Christians have a real evangelical fervour.
They just had to tell people of a risen Christ, they even made ruthless persecution an opportunity for the spreading of the Gospel. they never counted the cost of proclaiming their faith, they counted earthly prestige as nothing. they did not invite persecution, but they were prepared for it.Acts.5v40-42. 8v1-12. 11v19-22. 20v19,20. Phil.1v7,12-14. 1Thes.1v5,6. The church that is not evangelistic will die spiritually, we must obey Christ's command to go and preach the Gospel, Mt.28v18-20., if we are to prove the full sweetness of His, "Lo, I am with you always."

E. When Christians are subordinate to the Lordship of Christ.

The early Christians at Jerusalem were subordinate to the authority of God's Word and the Lordship of Christ and the leadings of the Holy Spirit. They were successful because they put into effect the commands of the Word of God and the desires of Christ, and not their own desires. They were not guided by a committee of men, but by the Scriptures, Christ and the Holy Spirit. As long as men get in the way of God the Holy Spirit, very little will be accomplished. If we insist on keeping to our programmes, we shall find that we miss the things that God has for us. How many Christians, or Christian leaders would allow the Holy Spirit to forbid some of their activities, as He did Paul in Acts.16v6-10? Owning the Lordship of Christ and the authority of the Word of God, brings real results. Acts.4v29-33. The Church has to many human designs without God's stamp of approval upon them, Christ is the head of His Church, and the Church should follow His plans and designs. The Church has got to get right with God and seek God, if the gifts are to be manifested in power. If churches think that they can import a revival by asking someone with great spiritual gifts of God to conduct meetings, they are mistaken, the churches must get right with God and seek God.

Every church should give priority to the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the revealer of Christ. Jn.14v26. 16v12-15. 1Thes.5v19-21. God desires every church to be a centre of revival, salvation and healing, with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit operating in real power and love, a veritable heaven upon earth. Surely this is the meaning of 1Cor.14v1., "Follow after love and desire spiritual gifts". Christians and Christian churches should radiate God's power and love. Christ in us revealing His glory, love and compassion, and manifesting the beautiful desires of God to the world. Col.1v27. Phil.2v13. 1Cor2v16. The local church should act like a body together, the gifts being manifested first by one and then by another, to meet any need and challenge presented to it. This body ministry is the ideal that Paul talks of in 1Cor.12v4-31. Obviously an apostle or prophet will have to manifest all the gifts in doing the work that God has called them to do, but in the local church, God desires the gifts to be shared among His people, it brings a real sense of inter-dependence, and reduces the possibility of pride, or danger of individualism.

It is our communion with God that enables us to be a channel of His love and power. God wants us to dedicate ourselves to liberating Satan's captives. God wants to reveal to us the power that is ours in Christ. Lk.10v19. Mt.28v18-20. Eph.1v19,20. Be as positive that God is, and God's Word is. God wants to use YOU, and in Christ you can always be the victor, and triumph in Him. 2Tim.1v7. How big is your God? You can have faith to remove mountains by communing with God, for with God all things are possible. Mt.19v20. Don't let the mountains master you, you master them by the grace of God. Mountains are our opportunity to prove that God is a God that specialises in doing the impossible. God loves threshing the mountains with worms. Is.41v14-16. Your communion with God makes the impossible, possible. As a Christian you can have dominion over sin, the world, flesh and Devil, they are not to have dominion over you. Rom.8v1-17. 1Jn.5v4. The soldiers said of Christ, "Never man spake like this man". The authority and power of Christ's preaching was the result of His victorious living and communion with His Father. Jn.7v46. Christian preachers will have the same anointed, soul feeding authoritative ministry, if they will live victoriously for Christ. However, whether we be a preacher or not, we can make every day a wonderful and victorious day if we make the Lord Jesus Christ the centre of our day and live in communion with God. How rich we are in God! He shares with us His life, His truth, His faith, His authority, His power, His inexhaustible riches and His wonderful love. Let us accept Christ's challenge of communion with God and positive victorious Christian living.


a. Christ's ministry was a continuous manifestation of signs, wonders and miracles.

God desires to astonish people and cause them to think upon spiritual things by the manifestation of His glory and presence, through signs, wonders and miracles, as He did through Christ's ministry. Mk.2v12. 4v41. 6v51. 7v37. Lk.5v26. Acts.3v10,11. However, people are not intended just to be left in amazement and wonder, the wonders and miracles in Scripture, were a sign pointing the way to God, or God's way. They are directing the watcher to Jesus and His Father. Mk.6v14. Jn.2v11. Acts.8v6. 14v3. 19v11. Rom.15v19. Heb.2v4. These signs indicate the desire of God, the presence of God, the power of God and confirm the good news of salvation in Christ. Jn.5v36. 7v21. 10v25,32,38. 14v11,12. 15v24 cf.Mt.11v2,20.

Miracles are the normal work of God, "He is fearful in praises, doing wonders". Ex.15v11. cf. Ps.77v14. 136v4. Dan.4v2,3. God loves to do "wonderful works", "mighty works", and "miracles". Mt.11v20. Mk.6v14. Lk.10v13. Acts.2v11,22. 19v11. 1Cor.12v10,28. This is abundantly demonstrated throughout the Scriptures; acts of Divine power and gifts of revelation were given by God to fulfil His purposes. God formed His creation by supernatural power. He guided, protected, and gave Abraham children by a miracle. Abraham's and Sarah's faith were strengthened by the manifestations of Divine grace, power and revelation. Gen.17v15-19. 18v1-15. Heb.11v11. God equipped Moses with signs and wonders to convince Pharaoh and the Israelites that God had sent Him and that His message was true. Ex.3v12. 4v1-9. 7v9,10. God gave Gideon signs of His presence and will. Judges.6v11-40. 7v9-14. Samuel gave Saul signs that God had appointed him to be king over Israel. 1Sam.10v1-9. The unknown prophet gave a sign that the worship of the golden calves of Jeroboam was an abomination to God. 1Kings.12v28. 13v1-5. Elijah called fire from heaven to show that the Lord was God. 1Kings.18v36-39. Indeed, the ministry of the prophets consisted of a continual manifestation of signs, wonders and miracles, through the gifts of revelation and power. It is a remarkable fact that on occasions, even angels gave signs to convince people of the truth of their words. Judges.6v21,22. 13v15-21. Lk.1v18-20,59-65. 2v12.

b. God gave signs through the Old Testament prophets, and the Jews expected this of any prophet.
Paul said, "The Jews require a sign", and the Jews asked Christ, "What sign showest thou"? 1Cor.1v22,23. Mt.12v38. 16v1. Jesus would not pander to their unbelieving demand of a personal sign from God, for He had already given them a multitude of signs through healings and miracles. The apostle Paul also tells us that signs and wonders were the means by which the Gentiles were convinced of the truth of His message. These signs and wonders were the normal spiritual equipment of an apostle, and they were, and are, needed by every local church. Rom.15v18,19. 2Cor.12v12. 1Cor.12v31. 14v1.

We read in James.5v14,15., that elders of local churches are to posses the spiritual power to pray for the sick in their church AND SEE THEM HEALED, so we should expect all the other ministries of Eph.4v11., i.e. apostles, prophets, evangelists, and teachers, to pray for the sick and see them healed. Obviously, some ministries are more powerful and more specialised in their ministry to the sick, than others, but every New Testament leader and elder was expected to have a ministry towards the sick. Even deacons in the early Church did mighty works of healing. See Stephen and Philip. Acts.6v1-15. 8v5-8.

However, in spite of the example of the ministry of Christ and His early Church, many Christians say, "I don't believe in spiritual gifts. I don't need any supernatural revelation. I don't believe in signs, they are only demanded by an evil generation". It is true that Christ refused to give the sensational sign demanded by the sceptics, but He manifested a multitude of Scriptural signs before the sceptics, which were more than sufficient to convince the sincere seeker. The sceptic is not really looking for a sign, they do not want to repent and are looking for an excuse to reject the truth. Those who repent of their sins and accept Christ and His Word, will accept the signs and wonders manifested through the healing of the sick. Christ appealed to miracles and healings that He did as signs that proved His authority, and He promised the people more of them to help them believe. Jn.5v20,35-37. 10v37,38. Mt.12v38-42. Do away with the signs and wonders in the Bible and all you have left are the accounts of human failure, sin and unbelief. Do away with signs and wonders for today, and you impudently affirm that God is, "The Great I Was", and not the "Great I Am", but our God and our Christ are the same in their compassion, consecration, activities, and abilities. Heb.13v8.

When Jesus stated in Jn.4v48., "Except ye see signs and wonders ye will not believe. He was stating the fact that many people will not believe in the goodness of God, or the willingness of God to meet their need, without some supernatural evidence. Jesus, therefore, did many signs to encourage people to have faith in God for the healing of their souls and bodies, the greatest of these being the resurrection of Lazarus. Jn.11v42,45. And when the Lord Jesus sent the 12 apostles and seventy disciples, He gave them power to do signs and wonders. Lk.9v1,2. 10v1-9. Mk.16v17,20. 2Cor.12v12. Rom.15v18-21. These signs are to encourage the faith of the beholders, and spring out of the compassion and love of God for the sinful, sick and needy. God desires to openly manifest His presence by the things that He does, God does not intend that we should apprehend spiritual things, or the Holy Spirit's presence, by blind faith alone. God desires His presence to be seen, in fact, awesomely seen, by the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. People are brought face to face with the invisible but living God, by the manifestation of His spiritual gifts. The healing of the sick, the secrets of the heart been made manifest, make it very plain that God is in the midst of His people. 1Cor.14v25. Even Simon the sorcerer was amazed at the manifestation of God via the gifts of the Spirit, in the ministry of Philip the deacon, and became a believer and many others with him.

c. The Scriptures proclaim the need of God's miracles right up to Christ's return. Acts.2v17-21.
Some have said that we do not need miracles today, because the Scriptures are all that we need in the work of God. Such teaching denies much of the experience of Christ and His early Church. The Old Testament prophets, Christ, and His early Church needed both the Scriptures and the signs and wonders that those Scriptures reveal and deem necessary. Those who hide behind a false spirituality and say, "All I need is the Scriptures," should remember that they expressly command us to earnestly seek spiritual gifts. 1Cor.14v1. Jesus said He desires to do greater works through His Church than He did while He was on earth. Jn.14v12. God wants to manifest Himself to the Church and to the world, and wants Christians to be channels of His saving and healing power. 1Cor.12v7. There is no such thing as a non-miraculous Christianity in the New Testament, indeed, the Old Testament. only manifests a miracle working God. The present non-miraculous Christianity is yet another fruit of the sin and unbelief of the dark ages of the Church and present unbelief and disobedience to the Word of God.

The fact that God does signs and wonders does not mean that everybody will automatically repent of their sins and turn to God, even the mightiest manifestations of the power and love of God fail to win some people. Jesus upbraided certain cities because they did not repent even though He had done such mighty works there. Mt.11v20-24. Like many of the Scribes and Pharisees, many of the people had clearly seen God, but they did not want Him, they hated both Christ and His Father, because their hearts were bound by a love of evil. The confirmation of the Gospel by signs and wonders and miracles is the final appeal of God to the soul, rejection of God when He is clearly seen in signs, wonders and miracles, is the final act of spiritual suicide. Jn.15v22-25. In pioneer evangelism, and in every church, it is essential that the invisible God is made visible by the things that He is doing. Paul said to the Corinthians, "Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds". In 1Cor.2v4,5, Paul says, "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God". Paul message of a crucified Saviour was confirmed by mighty signs and wonders and it brought great fruit in the wicked city of Corinth. 1Cor.2v1-5. The gifts of the Holy Spirit make God very real; so much so, that in the early Church, when unbelievers came into the meetings out of curiosity, or even with downright hostility, they were forced to cry, "God is in the midst of you of a truth", because of the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. The same thing happens today where those same gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifested. 1Cor.14v24,25.

d. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are God's answer to the satanic miraculous today.
The challenging counterfeit satanic signs that are being manifested today, demand that the Church of Christ should manifest its blood-bought inheritance of mighty signs, wonders and miracles. Spiritualists, Mormons, and many other false cults have the zeal and power of Satan, and they deceive many. Even as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, and Elymas withstood Paul, they challenge the experience of the Church; God warns us to expect even greater manifestations of evil power towards the end of the age. Mt.24v11,24. 2Thes.2v8-12. The only answer to this evil is the power of God, intellectual argument alone has never been a sufficient answer to the powers of darkness. New Testament Christianity has never been mere intellectual gymnastics, it has always been God's truth confirmed by spiritual dynamics. The vast majority of churches and denominations do not desire to manifest the power of God, some are quite content to manifest the "pop" of hand-clapping, chorus singing, or sheer noise, instead of the power of God through the mighty gifts of power and revelation.

Israel, because of its sin and unbelief, ended up in captivity in Assyria and Babylon, quite unable to fulfil the wonderful purpose of God to be a blessing to the whole world. Much of Christ's church is in captivity, chained and defeated by the world, the flesh and the Devil, and God cannot use it to fulfil His beautiful desires to bring salvation and healing to the world. Many, we fear, like the Scribes and Pharisees, will only oppose the true N.T. Christianity, but some sincere hearts will accept their Christian heritage and fulfil the beautiful and wonderful purposes and desires of God. Nothing glorifies God and exalts His kingdom more than Christ manifesting His power and love through His Church by spiritual gifts, as He did while He was on earth. We thank God that Church history proves that men of faith have ministered the saving and healing power of Christ to the sick and sinful, when the rest of the Church have been plunged in unbelief and spiritual gloom. e.g. Tertullian, Irenaeus, Bernard of Clairvaux, George Fox, John Wesley, Dowie, Price, and many others. Let us follow their example and minister to this needy world the love and power of the altogether lovely God of love.

e. The need of gifts of revelation from Christ.
As we have seen, there are many reasons why God cannot heal the sick even though He earnestly desires to do so. This is where words of wisdom or knowledge, or discernings of spirits, are needed. It is sometimes necessary to have these gifts manifested so that a persons problems, and other hindrances to salvation and healing can be revealed and removed. Gifts of revelation will not only greatly encourage the faith of a person to receive healing, but they will also reveal when a person is ready to receive healing. The Lord Jesus knew that only one man at the Pool of Bethesda was ready for healing, He healed him and then hurried away. Jn.5v1-15. Paul perceived that a certain man had real living faith and was ready to be healed, so he told the man to stand and act his faith. Acts.14v9,10. Elisha knew by revelation that Naaman was not ready for healing, and that it was no good saying a prayer for Naaman's healing until he had humbled himself before God. Naaman wanted to be healed irrespective of his spiritual condition, but God would not meet him on these terms. God had to rid Naaman of his arrogant and unrepentant, "I'll try it, it is my last hope", attitude; Naaman had to humble himself and say "I will seek God and submit myself to His Word and Will". A word of wisdom showed Elisha how this was to be accomplished, and those who pray for the sick, sometimes need a word of wisdom or knowledge to bring a person to a place where they are ready for healing.

This kind of ministry places great spiritual demands upon the person praying for the sick and demands some spiritual maturity and a close walk with God. The greater ministries of Christ's Church will experience a continuous ministry of the gifts of revelation, but Paul said that the same gifts can be manifested by the local church as a body. Paul said that every child of God could prophesy even though only a few might be entrusted with a continuous prophetic ministry and have the office of a prophet spoken of in 1Cor.12v28,29. and Eph.4v11. cf. 1Cor.14v24,25,19-33. Obviously it takes time for the Lord to train and develop a person's ministry to the place where they can be entrusted with the ministry of an apostle or prophet, and it takes time for the gifts to develop in a local church. God desires that the gifts of the Spirit should be continually developing in younger Christians, so that there can be a continual manifestation of the greater gifts of the Holy Spirit. God expects the leaders in the Church to manifest the gifts of revelation in a very powerful and blessed way as the need for them arises. The continuous manifestation of the gifts of power and revelation under the direction of love, is the ultimate in Christian ministry, as the ministry of Christ demonstrates. Christians who love the sick and suffering will pray for the sick on the command of God in the Scriptures and get great results before they experience a revelation ministry. However, God intended His Church to have all the gifts operating and others developing, so that the Church is able to meet all the needs presented to it. God desires not only to heal all the sick, but also to equip His Church with all the spiritual armoury that they need to meet the needs of the sinful, sick and suffering.

f. The need of revelation gifts to help people's faith.
The prophets were called "seers," because they had visions of God's purposes and people's needs and circumstances. This kind of ministry makes all the difference between victory and defeat, when praying for the sick. The revelation of a person's need causes the unconverted to turn to Christ, and be converted, and causes hindrances to be removed and faith to rise in the sick, so that they can receive healing from Christ. All the Old Testament prophets had a revelation ministry and gave details of peoples lives and national events, that could only be known by supernatural revelation. God warned Abraham of the destruction of Sodom and so Abraham interceded for his nephew Lot and saved and saved his life. Gen.18v17-33. 19v1,12-17. Joseph knew of the famine of Egypt before it happened by Divine revelation. Gen.41v25-32. Moses knew of the ways and plans of God before God performed them, Israel only saw God's acts. Ps.103v7. Samuel told Saul that his Fathers asses were found, and that his Father was very concerned over his welfare, before Saul knew, and Samuel told Saul several events that were to take place on the day when Saul left him. 1Sam.9v16-27. 10v1-14. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar about his dream and saved his life and the lives of his friends, and converted the king. Dan.2v1-49. The prophet Ahijah exposed the deception of the wife of Jeroboam. 1Kings.15v1-18. N.B. v5,6.

God told Elijah that there would be a drought for 3½ years, and how He would bring Israel back to Himself. 1Kings.17v1-24. 18v1-46. God directed Elijah to Cherith and Zarephath for provision and safety. Elijah exposed the sin of Ahab over Naboth's vineyard and foretold the death of Ahab, as did Micaiah the son of Imla. 1Kings.21v1-29. 2Chron.18v1-34. Elisha exposed and judged the sin of Gehazi, and also delivered Israel by revealing the King of Syria's secret plans to attack Israel. 2Kings5v20-27. 6v8-23. God revealed to Elisha that he would multiply the widows oil, and that the Godly women of Shunem would have a child. 2Kings.4v1-37. There are numerous cases of the operation of the manifestation of the gifts of revelation in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Peter had the revelation that the man at the gate of the Temple was to be healed. Peter also exposed the sin of Ananias and Sapphira and brought judgement upon them. God also informed Peter that he had to go and preach Christ to the prayerful and godly Gentile Cornelius, and the angel told Cornelius the name and address of Peter, and the occupation of his host. Acts3v1-26. 5v1-11. 10v40. Ananias of Damascus was shown Paul's repentant condition and the name and address of the person with whom he was staying, and God sent Ananias to help Paul. Acts.9v1-19. Paul knew and beheld the spiritual condition of the Colossian Church and what was happening there even when he was not present. Col.2v5. We could give many more instances of the use of the gifts of revelation in the early Church, but these will suffice.

We will now consider how the gifts of revelation were manifested in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even Jesus needed the gifts of revelation in His ministry, because He was not omniscient while He was in the human body. The Father revealed to Jesus events in the near and distant past, as well as things in the present, and near and distant future; His Heavenly Father told Jesus to stay behind in the Temple while His earthly parents went home. Lk.2v41-52. The spiritual condition of Nathanael and the women at the well were revealed by words of knowledge, and resulted in the salvation of both. Jn.1v47. 4v16-19. Jesus knew that Zacchaeus was seeking God for salvation, a word of knowledge revealed his hiding place and resulted in his conversion. Lk.19v1-10. Jesus knew of the spiritual condition of Judas and his betrayal, by a word of knowledge. Jn.6v70,71. 13v27. Jesus received a revelation that an evil spirit had caused a child of God to be ill for 18 years. Lk.13v16. He knew that a spirit had caused deafness, and that a spirit had caused dumbness and blindness. Mt.9v32-34. 12v22-24. Jesus knew that the nobleman's son was healed, and that the demon had been cast out of the Syrophenician women's daughter, even though they were a distance away. Jn.4v50. Mk.7v29. A word of knowledge revealed that a colt was tied in a certain place ready for the use of Jesus, and that a fish would supply their need for money. Mk.11v2. Mt.17v22-27. Jesus knew by revelation that a poor widow woman had put all her money in the offering, and of its great value in God's eyes. Mk.12v43. Jesus had a revelation that the household at Bethany was to be the channel of His greatest miracle, and that their trial of faith that was going to greatly glorify God. Healing was going to be withheld, but God was going to raise Lazarus from the dead. Jn.11v1-57.

Jesus also knew by revelation the thoughts and plans of those who opposed His ministry, and Christian ministers need to experience the same thing today. We read that Christ perceived their thoughts, and knew their plans to trap and kill Him by any means they could. He knew their big smiles and compliments would be followed by a devilish plan to bring His downfall, disgrace and death. Mk.2v5-8. Lk.5v22. 9v46-48. Mt.21v23-27. 22v15-41. Jn.4v1-3. 7v1,6-10,19,20. 8v37-40,59. Christ also knew by revelation that the Scribes and Pharisees attributed His ministry to Spiritualism and Satan, and so He exposed their slander and blasphemy, and showed how foolish it was to teach that Satan was bringing people into a living relationship with God. Jesus gave them the solemn warning, that if they wilfully attributed the works of God to Satan, they were in deadly danger of committing the unforgiveable sin. Mk.3v22-30. In the house of Simon the Pharisee, Christ gave a telling and wise parable to answer the critical thoughts of Simon. Lk.7v23-50. Christ always had a complete answer to the crafty theologians, because of His knowledge of the Scriptures, and the guidance of God through His gifts of revelation.

Jesus always acted under the direct guidance of His Father in His ministry, He did not plan His own way, He fulfilled His Father's plans. Jn.2v4,5. 4v4. 5v19,20,21, 30. 7v1-10. However, Christ did not demand a word of knowledge for everyone He prayed for, or for everything He did. Jesus asked how long a boy had been possessed by a demon. Mk.9v21. He walked by common-sense and according to the Scriptures in meeting certain circumstances, and when He needed spiritual revelation He received it. Christ did not tell out every revelation that He received, and neither should we, we should only tell out what God tells us to. There must be dramatic results when a person's ministry is directed by God in the same way as the ministry of Jesus, and there is a powerful manifestation of spiritual gifts, coupled with purity of life and dedication to God.

We read in Prov29v18., "Where there is no revelation and vision the people cast off restraint and perish". Without a continual revelation of the nature, majesty and glory of God to the Church, there will inevitably be spiritual degeneration, and declension, and a reliance upon the human instead of the Divine. Spiritual degeneration is always due to the lack of a revelation and manifestation of the invisible God. In the time of the Judges, there was a most appalling spiritual backsliding and apostasy, and Judges.2v7-11., tells us the reason why. There was no longer any manifestation of the might and power of God, no open demonstration of His majesty, glory, reality and presence. The result was that the people went into gross sin and served idols. Another crisis came in the time of Samuel, the people desired a king to reign over them, they rejected Samuel and the rule of God, and desired and chose the rule of man instead. 1Sam.8v1-22. Lack of, or opposition to, God's power and revelations has always had the same effect, there is a turning to idolatry and a reliance upon the arm of the flesh instead of the arm of God. We are in great danger when we rely upon what we can see and do, and not upon what God can do for us, and human leadership takes over from the Divine. When we do this we shall find that our enemies are always stronger than we are. It is the presence and revelation of God alone that brings the victory. But as we get farther and farther away from God, we begin to rely more upon what we can do, and are less and less able to trust God for the miraculous manifestations of His presence. God does not glorify the flesh, or the abilities of the flesh, but He does delight to show His power to those who trust Him, particularly if the odds are stacked against them. And so He used Jonathan and his armour bearer, Gideon and his 300, to defeat great armies, and David the shepherd boy to defeat giant Goliath, and Christ's despised apostolic band to lay the foundation of the Church. 1Cor.1v26-31. Eph.2v19-22. The presence in the Church of all the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, means that the Church is a mighty force in the world for God.


a. Christ commissioned His Church to carry on the work that He had started.

Jesus stated that His Church was to evangelise the world with the same methods that He Himself had used. Divine direction through the gifts of the Holy Spirit is essential in evangelism, no one can go where God forbids them to go, or God does not direct them to go, and expect to get great results. Words of wisdom directed Philip to the Ethiopian, Ananias to Paul, Peter to Cornelius, Paul on his missionary journeys, and Christ in the choice of His apostles after a night of prayer. Acts.8v26-40. 9v10-18. 10v9-48. 13v1-4. 16v6-10. Lk.6v12,13. The Holy Spirit is sent as the guide of the Church, we must be subordinate to His Lordship and leadings. Jn.16v7-13. cf. Joshua.5v14. God will not give His power to bring the desires of a movement or a denomination to pass, God expects His Church to bring His desires to pass. Men love to rule in the place that belongs to God alone, but Christ is the Head of the Church, not a committee of men. The end of the rule of men is an unsupernatural denomination or fellowship. Many church leaders work for God in the way that they, or their denomination, or congregation, want them to, and they steadfastly resist the New Testament pattern as laid down by Christ and His apostles, that is, evangelism with the gifts of power and revelation confirming the good news of salvation in Christ.

Many ministers have greatly hindered the work of God by ascribing devilish sickness to the will of God, instead of praying for the deliverance of the sick. Sickness does not glorify God, it usually turns people against God, particularly when a tradition-bound preacher tells the sick that a devilish sickness is God's will and they must bear it patiently. It is the healing of the sick that glorifies God and brings people to God. The positive proof of Divine love seen through the healing of the sick, produces great spiritual victories, and brings people to Christ. Divine healing brings people to Christ. People realise that God is good and wants to bless them, and knowing this, they come to know, love and trust Him. People believed in Jesus when they saw the miracles that He and His followers did. Jn.2v11,23. Acts.8v4-8. Rom.15v18-20. A sign-attested ministry will bring people to Christ, who would not normally be reached by the Gospel. Jesus said that even the wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah would have repented if they had seen His mighty signs and wonders. Mt.11v20-25. The preaching of the Gospel, and the healing of the sick were inseparably joined together in His ministry. Who dare put asunder what God has joined together? No apostle was sent out without the signs of an apostle, that is, a proven ministry of signs and wonders, and yet missionaries today are sent out without the spiritual equipment that God deems essential for pioneer evangelism. 2Cor.12v11,12.

Many Christian leaders have so many jobs to do, that they are unable to give the time to waiting on God and His Word that they should do. Some work should be delegated so that the spiritual side of the church does not suffer. Acts.6v1-7. Committee machinery does not bring a revival, or fulfil Christ's great commission, no matter how necessary it may seem to be. The fulfilment of that commission can only take place when spirit-filled men and women manifest the power of God in signs and wonders and miracles, and move at the direction of Jesus.

b. Christian leaders should heal the sick not just give lectures on healing.
It is not sufficient to give lectures on faith and put the onus for healing on the sick one seeking healing, we should have the spiritual equipment, both in doctrine and spiritual gifts, to meet the needs of the sick. Jesus sent out His preachers with the responsibility of bringing healing to the sick. Mt.10v1. Lk.10v9. Jesus told the apostles to wait on God at Jerusalem, until they received further spiritual power to meet the needs of the sick. However, we do not get a ministry gift from Christ merely by fasting and praying, this may be good, but it is a practical and real love for people and God that is the most important thing, as Is.58v1-14. N.B. v6-11., makes quite clear. There are also other important things to consider, such as, integrity, humility, consecration, no love of ambition or exhibition, a complete disregard for love of money, ("Freely ye have received, freely give." Mt.10v8.), and a determination to serve, love and trust God, and to do God's will whatever the cost.

c. The miraculous ministry of the early Church manifested itself anywhere and everywhere.
The early Church did not restrict preaching and the manifestation of spiritual gifts to the confines of a building, or a healing meeting; they healed people wherever they met them, in street, house, countryside, synagogue or Temple. It is interesting to note that when the glory of God left the Temple, it fell on the "house meeting". Ezek.9v3. 10v4,18. 11v23. Acts.2v1-4. with 1v13. and Mt.23v37-39. The Emperors did not allow Christians to have any church buildings until Constantine made his "Edict of Toleration" in A.D. 313. The early Church gathered in the homes of Christians for fellowship and evangelism. Rom.16v5. 1Cor.16v19. Col.4v15. Philemon.v2. The meetings were supervised by the elders, or other responsible persons. Every revival has usually started in house meetings, and they still have a very important place in Christian fellowship and evangelism. A church, in God's eyes, was not, and never has been, the building where Christians meet, it is the Christians themselves that are a church. The apostles went from house to house preaching and healing the sick, Acts.5v42. 20v20., and they also made homes the centre of their evangelistic work. Acts.16v40. 17v5. 18v7. 21v8.28v30. The Church today needs to return to the example of Christ and His early Church if they are to fulfil His great commission.


a. The love, humility, sincerity, honesty and integrity of Christ present a great challenge to His Church.

When we minister to the sick and sinful we must be as loving, sincere, and honest as the Lord Jesus. Those who make praying for the sick an excuse for getting money out of people, are an abomination to God, Jesus said, "Freely ye have received, freely give". Mt. 10v8. Christ ministered out of pure love, He was transparently sincere and honest, there was no fake or make believe with Jesus. Christ never went outside His call or commission. Lk.12v13-15. Jesus had such power and authority that a quiet word or gentle touch from Him would raise the dead. A loud noise when praying for the sick is no indication that a person has any real faith, or any God -given power or authority, a person can make a great noise and have nothing, and be nothing. 1Cor.13v2,3. Nor is an eloquent prayer any indication of spiritual power and authority, for people can pray eloquently when their heart and whole manner of life is very far from God. Mk.7v6-9. It is a commission from God, sustained by communion with Him, that meets the people's needs.

It is not enough to preach the doctrine about spiritual gifts and Divine healing. This can be like a painted fire that portrays heat, but does not give it; we need a living burning fire to convey warmth, and we need a living burning faith to radiate the power of God to the needy. In James.2v14-26., James points out that it is not a dead faith in doctrinal truth, but practical application and possession of that truth that counts with God. The preaching of faith in Divine healing and spiritual gifts, without any possession of those gifts, is a dead faith that cannot deliver the needy. It is the living experience of a correct theology that brings deliverance, not a correct theology. A correct Scriptural theology is not an end in itself, it is the gateway that brings us into a living fellowship with God. Lk.11v52. 1Jn.1v1-4. Christianity is not mere intellectual gymnastics, it is the radiation of the power, beauty and glory of God through spiritual dynamics. It is not enough to say that we have a great High Priest, who lives to meet our every need, the servant of God has to communicate to others the ministries of the risen Christ, in power and deed as well as word. 1Thes.2v1-20. We have the tremendous responsibility to communicate to others the character, glory, beauty and love of God. Jesus and His apostles did this, when they ministered to the sick there was no disillusioned and disappointed crowds of sufferers leaving the meetings still sick and bitter in spirit. It is no good being a pretender, or a mere shouter, you have to love people and keep close to God to meet their need.

b. Christ's total financial integrity.

Another thing that we need to note in this materialistic age, is Christ's total financial integrity. Christ was a financially poor person, but we never read of Him taking up one offering. His great miracles of provision and healing were not looked upon as a means of self-enrichment, they were performed out of pure love, to meet peoples needs. Christ refused every opportunity to make Himself rich, and His work financially secure. When the rich young ruler came to Jesus, He said to him, "One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come take up the cross and follow me. Mk.10v21. Jesus never said, "Make a pledge, and put a big sum in our offering, and God will bless you." Jesus never used any of the doubtful modern means of furthering His work, He knew, "Where God guides, God provides". Jesus was totally different from some modern evangelists, whose services are monopolised by financial appeals. There is no greater sin than making the preaching of the Gospel, and praying for the sick, into a financial racket.

Jesus was content, even when He and His disciples had no money; like the occasion when Jesus had no tribute money, and His Father had to do a miracle with the coin in the mouth of a fish to meet the need, and after the money was paid, His pocket was still empty. Mt.17v14-27. No one has done so much for people with such little earthly reward as the Lord Jesus; He showed that God's gifts were free and bounteous, whereas men and Satan sell and rob. Christ was content with His Father's riches and power, and His joy was to do His Father's will, He came to serve. Jn.4v31-34. Mt.20v25-28. Humble, consecrated women paid the expenses for feeding Him and His apostles, this was all Jesus wanted. Lk.8v1-3. Jesus had no earthly wealth, yet He was truly rich. Though He was rich, for our sakes He became penniless, that we through His poverty might be made rich. 2Cor.8v9. Jesus was called many things by His evil enemies, but He was never called "a money grubber," and He was mocked by the covetous Pharisees for being so heavenly minded, and lacking in earthly ambition. Lk.16v1-15. Jesus did not build any halls to perpetuate His name and teaching, He loved people and was content to do His Father's will. Nor did Christ have a vast literature out-reach, or have the best transport possible, He had none, He walked thousands of miles preaching the Gospel. Lk.9v57-62. All these things may have a place in the will of God, but Christ's ministry shows us that we have to do what God tells us to do, and not what we feel should be done. Christ refused to stray out of His commission to the lost sheep out of the house of Israel. He refused to act as a judge or arbitrator. Lk.12v13-15. It is not right to do something because if it seems to be good, we have to make sure that we move in the will of God. The ministry of our dear Lord Jesus proves that God's supreme priority in Christian service, is God's power and love ministering to the world in salvation and healing.

c. The perfect humility of Christ.
Though Christ did so much good He always had a perfect humility, there was no suggestion of pride, He was meek and lowly in heart. Mt.11v28-30. The truly great are always truly meekest. God said to Moses "Thou shalt be as God to Pharaoh", and yet Moses never got proud, He was "unpuffable", even though he experienced such great manifestations of Divine power. When Jesus came down to earth, He was the meekest of all; we are His witnesses, let us act as humbly as he did, for we are quite unworthy of being the channels of His love and power. Jesus was also willing to recognise others who were doing something for God, "they that are for us are not against us". The person that gives the impression that they are the only one who is doing anything for God, is full of abominable pride. We are part of the body of Christ, individualism is a very dangerous and undesirable thing. We always need to have the humility to realise our great need of other Christians.

Christ defeated all the temptations of Satan to doubt, self-seeking, ambition and pride before He started His ministry, and He ministered with pure love to people. Mt.12v1-12. If we want a ministry that delivers the sinful, sick and needy, we can expect the same temptations as our Lord experienced from Satan, but let us serve God in the same spirit as our Saviour.

Obviously, those who are young in the faith and young in years, will have to mature before they can expect very great manifestations of God's power; the greater ministries of apostle and prophet are not given to many people. Few can stand the great persecution that comes against those who have received great gifts and ministries from God. When God uses you there are also the temptations to covetousness, jealousy, love of popularity, and pride, but spiritual gifts should be used to do only what God wants. The Devil hates God's power and purposes being manifested through spiritual gifts, for He knows that the people of God may be energetic and aggressively evangelistic, but if they do not have the manifestations of the power of God through His spiritual gifts, they will be very limited in their accomplishments.

d. A church that is sceptical about spiritual gifts, and genuine prophetic revelation, is in real danger.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for seekers, God will not force His gifts upon Christians who don't desire them, and in fact despise them. However, be warned, unwillingness to listen to the voice of God ends in captivity. 2Chron.36v15-21. All Pastors should manifest spiritual gifts, and encourage their flocks to manifest them too. Do Christian leaders really think that they can manage without the equipment that Christ needed to fulfil His task? Jesus eagerly desired and sought His baptism in the Spirit at Jordan, and His purity, preparation, and dedication resulted in Him receiving a baptism of power without measure. Jn.3v34. We should follow His example. Jesus said, "Tarry ye until ye be endued with power from on high." Lk.24v48,49. The apostles and early Church needed to receive the baptism in the Spirit before they could be witnesses for Christ., and we need to be baptised in the Spirit before we can be the witnesses that Jesus desires us to be.

Some will say that I have laid down the Spiritual standard for an apostle or prophet and not those for an ordinary Christian. I recognise that it takes time to reach the standards that Paul lays down in 1Cor.13.; however, we can have a real measure of blessing while pressing forward to the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Phil.3v10-17. 1Jn.2v6,12-17. Paul was not an apostle when he was converted, his ministry developed; in Acts.13v1-4., we read that Paul the teacher became Paul the apostle. Paul had faithfully prepared for the work that God had given him to do and so God entrusted him with a great ministry, be faithful in what God gives you to do and God will entrust you with greater things. Above all things remember that Christ is the example of His Church, so follow the example and challenge that He has set for you regardless of what others may do.


a. God has guided and directed many godly and compassionate people into the medical profession.

Luke was affectionately called "the beloved physician" by Paul, and he had good reason be thankful for his medical help. Col.4v14. Gal4v13. 2Cor.11v30. 12v10. 1Tim.5v23. We too have friends who are Christian doctors, who are also dearly and well beloved, "agapetos." We thank God for the knowledge of medical science and the many dedicated sympathetic doctors and nurses. One is thrilled to hear of men and women like Florence Nightingale, who have felt a very definite call from God to minister to the sick through medical science. We must not despise medical science as some foolish people have done, for "fools despise knowledge", and medical science is applied knowledge of the human body. Prov.1v7,22. 10v21. It is a good thing that there has been the advance that there has in medical knowledge, for if it had been left to the church to fulfil its commission to heal the sick, the suffering today would be infinitely greater than it is.

If people had to rely on Christian churches to bring them healing, where would they go? How many churches are known for ministry towards the sick? Very few churches advertise healing of the sick as part of their service, and even fewer get really remarkable cases of healing. In spite of the challenge of healing from sources which are forbidden by the Scriptures, such as Spiritualism, the major part of the Christian Church is asleep to it's responsibility, and deaf to the pleadings of Christ to be a channel of His love and power. The truth is that the vast majority of Christian churches have not got the spiritual dynamic to meet the need of the sick, the church of Christ has very seldom fulfilled its commission to heal the sick. Jesus has had some very poor adverts of His matchless love and power. Many Christians have to thank God for receiving very definite help from medical science, and we thank God for this.

b. We must realise that there is a place for natural remedy in healing.
Paul advised Timothy, perhaps inspired by Doctor Luke, "Drink no longer water only, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your frequent illnesses." 1Tim.5v23. Paul gave Timothy practical medical advice for his frequent illnesses, he did not tell him to trust God for healing, or give him a sermon on faith. Some have said that this wine was fruit juice, others have said that it is wine of olive, that is, olive oil; however, it is far more likely to be a weak wine, which would kill the bacteria in water, and would certainly be far better for people's health than the polluted and infected water that was very common in Paul's day. God told people to drink wine at Israel's feasts. Deut.14v26. However, remember Prov.20v1., "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whoever is deceived, led astray and intoxicated by it, is not wise." Paul warns us in 1Cor.6v9-12., that drunkards will be excluded from God's kingdom. What ever this wine was, it was a natural remedy, and there is certainly a place for natural remedy, for God has made the body self healing, there are many organs in our bodies whose sole purpose is to keep us in good health. Those organs can, and do counteract successfully much illness and sickness, for we are told that 75% of people recover through natural healing. And in simple sickness we can expect God to allow this natural healing to make us well, unless our sickness is seriously disrupting our lives, or hindering the work of God.

Are you not going to use any natural helps to healing? Are you not going to eat healthy foods and vitamins? Are you going to wash and treat your hair with something that removes dandruff, if you have dandruff? Are you not going to put plaster on a cut? Are you going to have a broken limb put in a splint? Are you going to have qualified help for the delivery of a child? The answer to all of these questions is a definite "Yes." God wants us to use our common-sense and aid the natural healing of the body. Ps.32v8,9. God can, and has healed people of colds and broken limbs, but He more often allows the natural healing processes that He has put in the body to heal the body. Much of medical science is designed to aid the natural healing processes of the body. Many medical treatments consist of advice on diet, rest, work, etc., and everyone can see the value of this. Other medical treatment may consist of the taking of drugs, these may greatly benefit the person, or sometimes they can produce serious side-effects, for what is good for one person is bad for another. Careful medical supervision reduces the possibility of danger from a person being allergic to drugs. Certainly there are many drugs which have saved millions of people from an early death and much suffering, and we can thank God for this. The aim of medical science is to aid the natural healing processes of the body and surely God desires that Christians should use the best of both worlds. Don't let us make a belief in Divine healing an excuse for fanaticism. The writer has known some Christians who have been troubled for years through fear of a dread disease, when a simple diagnosis from a doctor has shown that fear to be groundless.

c. God gave advanced medical advice to Israel in the Law.
When God gave the promise of healing in Ex.15v26. to Israel, it was conditional upon them keeping the Law that God had given to them. These laws included sensible natural aids to health, and prevention of disease by good medical practice, God gave medical advice on, rest and work, Lev.23v1-44. 25v1-24. with Mk. 2v23-28.; hygiene and sterilisation, Lev.11v32,39,40. 15v1-33.; sanitation, Duet.23v12,13.; quarantine, Lev.13v1-59. Numb.5v1-4.; and diet, Lev.11v1-47. These health laws were put rigorously into practice in peace and war. Num.31v19-24. Joshua.7v18-26. Much of the law was given to preserve health by the observance of good medical practice. God laid down laws of medicine, which are recognised and practised by the medical profession today. The Jews experienced good health by practising God's medical Law, as well as by definite spiritual healing.

In spite of this kind of evidence from the Scripture, some Christians feel that they must trust God completely as their physician, this is obviously a matter of personal faith and conscience, however, on many occasions a Christians determination not to seek or follow medical advice for their condition has resulted in them dying prematurely, when medical help would have saved them. This is certainly not glorifying to God. Such people should not dictate their own conscience and faith to others, but respect the faith and conscience of other Christians, who do not feel that the taking of drugs, medicine, or surgery, is not inconsistent with faith in Christ. It is obviously wrong for a Christian to go to the other extreme and pin all their faith on doctors, and none, or very little, in God. However, fanaticism should be avoided like the plague; and we should remember that it is both unchristian and foolish to treat the knowledge and abilities of the medical profession with disrespect. Fools despise wisdom and knowledge. Prov.1v7,22. 2v29. 8v10. 23v9. Sound medical knowledge is as precious as gold. Prov.8v10-12. Medicine, like a merry heart, doeth good. Prov.17v22.

N.B. Procrastination in calling medical help in severe sickness is foolish and dangerous.

When severe sickness comes, we must call a doctor immediately, and after this we should contact praying Christians, and ask them to pray into the situation. We must ask for medical help for the following reasons.

1. We must have love as well as faith. and we should try to help our loved ones, and stop their illness and suffering by all the means at our disposal. We should use the best of both worlds.

2. We need common sense as well as faith.
Ps.32v9. We must recognise that the Scriptures say that medicine, like a happy disposition, does good. Prov.17v22. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." God's Word informs us that there will even be medicine in God's eternal kingdom we read in Ezek.47v12., "Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine." This thought is repeated in Rev.22v2., "In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." "Healing," is the noun "therapeia," which primarily means service, care or attention, it is used in the sense of care of a household in Lk.12v42.:42.; however, "therapeia" is especially used of medical service and healing, indeed we get our English word "therapy," from it. Luke uses "therapeia" for healing in Lk.9v11., where he states, "But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing, "therapeia." Seeking God for healing should be a priority for us as Christians, but we must also recognise the place that God gives to natural healing and medicine, and remember the wise words of Solomon in Prov.17v22., "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."

3. We have to make sure that we don't give cause for reproach, and fanaticism gives a very good reason for reproach.
As Christians we are "to submit ourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake,-- for so is the will of God; that with well doing we may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men." Titus.3v1. 1Pet.2v13-15. Let no Christian make faith an excuse for fanatical folly. However, Christians should come to Christ first for healing, and then on many occasions they would not have to worry the doctor for treatment. In some cases the continuance of medical treatment becomes no longer necessary because Christ has healed a person while they were under medical supervision. Our Lord is glad to do this. Christ healed the woman who had spent all her money on doctors bills, He was quite willing to do this after the doctors had done their best and failed, He is the same today.Mk.5v25-34. Christ never upbraided people for resorting to medicine or doctors. cf. Mt.9v12. The sin of Asa and Ahaziah was that they entirely omitted seeking God's help when they were sick, and their sin was the greater because they were the leaders of God's people. 2Chron.16v12,13. 2Kings.1v1-18.

Obviously, the very best attempts by man can never compare with healing from the Creator and great physician, Jesus Christ. Human doctors, with all their abilities and good intentions, have their limits, but God has no limits, He can do anything, He can heal a diseased organ that the doctors can only remove by surgery. There are definite limitations upon the effectiveness of medicine, drugs and surgery, but God has no limits, unless it be that He is limited by the state if our lives and the condition of our faith. I have been told that when revival came to Ruanda, the doctors had next to nothing to do, the people got right with God and the result was health and healing.

We can be quite sure that God is more desirous of seeing us well, and more able to make us well than anyone else, no matter how able or gracious they may be.

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