a. The challenge of Satan's counterfeit signs.

The many challenging counterfeit signs of Satan that are being manifested in the world today, make it essential for the Church to manifest the mighty signs, wonders and miracles offered to it through the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These precious gifts have been bought for us through the precious blood of Christ. 1Pet.1v18-20. Many false cults have the zeal and power of Satan and they deceive many; and even as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, and Elymas withstood Paul, these evil workers challenge and withstand the experience of the Church of Christ. The Scripture warns us that we can expect further great manifestations of evil power in the near future. Mt.24v11,24. 2Thes.2v8-12. God's answer to this evil will be the greatest manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit that the world has ever seen. The anointed preaching of the Scriptures and the powerful manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, has always been God's answer to the manifestation of evil power; for intellectual argument alone has never been a sufficient answer to the powers of darkness. True Christianity has never been mere intellectual gymnastics, it has always been God's truth confirmed by spiritual dynamics.

b. The challenge of militant antichristian governments.

We have the challenge of preaching the Gospel in countries under the control of militant antichristian governments, where even open intellectual argument and evangelism are forbidden under threat of death. The need for the spiritual gifts that Christ and His apostles possessed is greater than ever, we need spiritual gifts that miraculously protect us, as well as the mercy healing gifts that confirm the Gospel message. Antichrist and his followers will ruthlessly exterminate believers in the countries under their control; the only answer in such circumstances, is the manifestation of the protective and judgement gifts of the Holy Spirit that prophets, like Moses and Elijah, manifested in their ministries. God has promised that the gifts that these great prophets manifested will be part of the equipment of the Church at the end of this age. Rev.11v5,6. Jewish history reveals that whenever God's people lacked the manifestations of God's power and knowledge through spiritual gifts, there was invariably backsliding and apostasy, and the people of God were dominated by the heathen. God has always manifested Himself in signs, wonders and miracles, when His people have followed Him with all their hearts. Holy Ghost miracles are God's best answer to both militant godless governments, and Satan's "lying signs and wonders." 2Thes.2v9.

c. The ignorance of Christian leaders about spiritual gifts.
Some Christian leaders are genuinely ignorant about spiritual gifts, but others, like the theologians of Christ's time, have deliberately and wilfully opposed the truth, and hidden the key of knowledge about spiritual gifts, by unbelieving opposition, wilful omission, false tradition, and sceptical and untrue exposition of the Scriptures. Jesus solemnly warned Israel's religious leaders, that their wilful opposition to His ministry, and their determination to stop and hinder people from entering the doorway into an experience of God, was a great sin and debt which will be "required," "ekzeteo;" that is, exhaustively searched out, demanded back, and answered for on judgement day. Lk.11v50-52.

Some modern theologians have followed the example of Christ's enemies, by saying that genuine manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and undeniable signs from God, are a manifestation of Satan's power. This is the final shameful defence of the Holy Ghost resisting sceptic, and it brings about their spiritual ruin. Mt.12v22-32. Mk.3v28-30. Acts.7v51-53. Those who hide behind a false spirituality and say, "All I need is the Scripture," should remember that the Scripture expressly commands Christians to earnestly seek for spiritual gifts, and that much of Scripture is a record of the manifestation of these gifts. Jesus told us to expect greater works than He did while He was on earth, not a total absence of miracles. Jn.14v12. Christ never intended His Church to be a tower of Babylonian humanistic endeavour, He desired it to be a body united by love and energised with the power of God. If you do away with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures; you do away with the interventions of God in human history, for spiritual gifts are God's acts in the world. Those who say that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for today, are impudently affirming that God is, "The great I was," instead of , "The Great I Am."

d. Lack of spirituality is the reason for the lack of spiritual gifts after 400 A.D.
It is a fact of Church History that innumerable signs, wonders and miracles were performed by servants of Christ throughout the Roman empire in the first two or three centuries after Christ's birth. After this miracles became less common, though they did occur right through Church history in periods of revival. John Wesley gives us, on page 204 of volume 2 of his works, the reason why spiritual gifts were not common in Church history after about 400 A.D. "The grand reason why the miraculous gifts were so soon withdrawn, was not only that faith and holiness were well nigh lost, but that dry, formal, orthodox men, began to ridicule whatever gifts they had not themselves and decry them all as madness or imposture."

Wesley also writes in his sermon "The More Excellent Way."

"It does not appear that these extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were common in the Church for more than two or three centuries. We seldom hear of them after the fatal period when the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian; and, from a vain imagination of promoting the Christian cause thereby, heaped riches and power and honour upon the Christians in general, but in particular upon the Christian Clergy. From this time they almost totally ceased; very few instances of the kind were found. The cause of this was not, as has been vulgarly supposed, "Because there was no more occasion for them, because all the world had become Christians." This is a miserable mistake; not a twentieth part of it was then nominally Christian. The real cause was 'the love of many,' almost of all Christians, so called, was 'waxed cold.' The Christians had no more of the Spirit of Christ than the other Heathens; The Son of Man when He came to examine His Church, could hardly 'find faith upon the earth.' This was the real cause why the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were no longer to be found in the Christian Church; because the Christians were turned Heathens again, and had only a dead form left."

John Chrysostom, A.D. 346 to 407? Gave a similar answer to the question, "Why are not miracles performed still? Why are there no persons who raise the dead and cure diseases?" with the words, "That it was owing to the want of faith, and virtue, and piety in those times." Jerome said, "The Church had lost as much of its virtue, as it had gained of wealth and power."

e. Spiritual gifts will be needed until the perfect day of Christ's coming.
Spiritual ministries and their accompanying spiritual gifts are still needed in the Church today, and God still sets them in His Church when He can find people who love Him and mankind enough to desire to be channels of His power and love. 1Cor.12v28. Many Scriptures prove that it is untrue to say that spiritual gifts finished after the apostolic age. Peter confirmed Joel's prophecy, that spiritual gifts will continue right up to the great and terrible day of the Lord, and states that the Pentecostal experience is for all Christians. Acts.2v16-21,38,39. Paul informs us that the age of grace is more glorious and more full of the Spirit's workings than the age of Law. 2Cor.3v6-18. Heb.8v10-13. All thirsty believers in Christ are promised rivers of the Holy Spirit's power and fullness. Jn.7v37-39.

The critics of a Pentecostal experience, have been unable to find any Scriptures that state that the gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased, so they have been driven to make the quite unwarranted assumption from 1Cor.13v8-13., that, "that which is perfect," at which the gifts of the Spirit are to pass away, was the completion of the Scripture canon. Honest theologians state that there is no support in the Biblical usage of "perfect," or its cognate forms, for the suggestion that "the perfect" refers to the completion of the canon of Scripture.

Ellicott's commentary says of, "that which is perfect," "This verse shows by its emphatic 'then,' that the time when the gifts shall cease is at the end of this dispensation. The imperfect shall not cease until the perfect is brought in."

In 1Cor.13., Paul is considering love in relation to the whole of Christian experience; giving, martyrdom, and knowledge, as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There is no mention of the Scripture canon as such, Paul mentions sacred truth, but it is love and God's kingdom of love that is "perfect." It is certainly not honest to say that 1Cor.13v8. teaches that spiritual gifts have passed away, and yet admit that our present partial knowledge has not been replaced by the full knowledge of God's kingdom. The time when the gifts "pass away," is when the Church on earth, exchanges its present partial knowledge and power, for the complete and perfect "face to face" experience of God. When 1Cor.13v8. is really fulfilled, the Church will be experiencing the greatest measure of spiritual power it has ever known, it will be glorified in heaven and enjoying God's glory, power, truth and love to the full. Paul illustrates the enormous difference between even his own mature Christian experience and the glorious experience of life in heaven, by comparing the very limited experience of a baby that can't talk with the experience and mental powers of a full grown man. Paul did not say that the gifts were soon to finish, so we need not bother with them, He gave practical teaching on the gifts and told us to seek them for our spiritual welfare. 1Cor.14v1-3,12,18,39.

f. How can critics say these gifts have ceased and yet pray for their manifestation?
Those who insist that spiritual gifts have ceased and are not for today, must, if they are to be consistent, insist that God has removed them all, and not just some of them. If they really believe that spiritual gifts are not for today, how is it that they pray for Divine healing? For this is a gift of healing. How is it that they pray for illumination upon a problem, or guidance from God? For this is a word of wisdom. How is it that they pray for ministers of the Gospel to receive the Holy Spirit's anointing? and for Satan's power to be lifted off people? and for people to be blessed? For these are the operations of the gift of faith. How is it that they pray for material needs to be met? For this is the province of the working of miracles. How is it that they pray for a revelation of God to the soul? For this is a discerning of spirits. How is it that they pray for an inspired utterance from God to help others? For this is the realm of prophecy. How is it that they pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire them in prayer? and then reject the gift of tongues, which is the Divine answer to this request. It is a fact that Christians who say that spiritual gifts have ceased to operate in the Church, actually pray for their manifestation. Those who reject spiritual gifts completely, have in reality tried to remove God's influence from His Church, and put it in the hands of men. We must accept that God has decreed that we need these gifts, and not frustrate the wise and loving reasons for their manifestation.

g. The tragic fact that movements founded by the Spirit, have become bulwarks against the Spirit.
It is a sad fact that movements and denominations which were brought into being by Holy Ghost revivals, and have been bulwarks for the Gospel, have become bulwarks against the wonderful gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. It is difficult to see how churches can claim to be founded on the New Testament, and yet oppose and forbid the miraculous things that happened in the New Testament from taking place in their churches. The truth is, the traditions of men have replaced the Word of God in our day, and men still oppose the miraculous works of the Holy Spirit, just as surely as they did in our Lord's ministry. Mt.15v2,3,6. Mk.7v9,13. Col.2v8. 1Pet.1v18. It was not the fervency of the praise and worship of the early Church that convinced people that Christ was risen, it was the acts of God's power that bore witness to the truth of the Gospel. Rom.15v18-21. Heb.2v4. It is not the fervency of our singing, but our love and the acts of God's power that flow through our love, which shows to the world that God is with us. We cannot earn God's "charismata," they are gifts of grace, but we can receive them as we earnestly seek God for them. Gideon saw the truth that God's people should expect miracles from their God, when he said, in Judges.6v13., "Oh my Lord, If the Lord be with us? why then is all this befallen us? and WHERE BE ALL HIS MIRACLES which our fathers told us of, saying did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt?" After the glorious wonders of Christ and His early Church, we can confidently say, "Because the Lord is with us, we can surely expect all His miracles."

h. The fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit complement each other.
In considering these "Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit," 1Cor.12v7-10., we in no way forget or neglect the vital, "Nine Fruit of the Holy Spirit." Gal.5v22-24. We recognise the correct place given to both fruit and gifts in the Scripture. Love and the other fruit of the Spirit have need of God's power to fulfil the beautiful desires and plans of God; and our manifestation of God's power and knowledge gifts need the Holy Spirit's fruit of character to correctly use those gifts. The Holy Spirit comes to give us both fruits and gifts, they are part of His full ministry to us and through us; each perfectly complements the other. The life and ministry of Jesus show the perfect manifestation of both the fruits and the gifts of the Spirit. Those who love our Lord and desire to follow Him, should desire both the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Jn.10v27. We should accept the spiritual gifts that God gives to His Church. 1Cor.12v7. The nine spiritual gifts are the combined and co-ordinated abilities and acts of God the Father, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit given to the Church; their manifestations can be divided up in the following three ways.


A. Gifts of Revelation and Information.
Manifesting God's omniscient love.

The Trinity give us their wisdom and knowledge through the gifts of revelation.

1) The gift of a word of wisdom. 2) The gift of a word of knowledge. 3) The gift of discernings of spirits.

B. Gifts of Power and Demonstration. Manifesting God's omnipotent love.
The Trinity give us their miracle working power through the power gifts.

4) The gift of faith. 5) The gift of workings of miracles. 6) The gift of gifts of healings.

C. Gifts of Inspiration and Encouragement.
Manifesting God's omnipresent love.

The Trinity encourage us through devotional gifts that inspire, edify and comfort.

7) The gift of prophecy. 8) The gift of various kinds of tongues. 9) The gift of interpretation of tongues.

The headings of these three groups of gifts can apply in some measure to each other, however, they do help to show the major characteristics and uses of the gifts. We could call these three groups by the titles of, "God Informing," "God Empowering," and "God Inspiring and Comforting." The important thing, of course, is not just to define the gifts, but rather to manifest them.

Paul divides the gifts of the Holy Spirit into nine gifts that can operate quite separately from each other. As we have seen these nine gifts are really the various aspects of the love, power, wisdom and knowledge of God imparted to us by the Holy Spirit as we need them. They are the interventions of God in our lives. Sometimes we may need only one gift, but at other times we may need several gifts to meet our needs, and we can receive them in one outpouring of the love and power, and wisdom and knowledge of God. e.g. Acts.9v10-19. 12v5-11. Through His gifts God builds up the Church in love, defends it from Satan's attacks, and arms the Church, so that we, like our Lord, can bring blessing and healing to those who are oppressed of the Devil. Acts.10v38. Jn.14v12. The gifts of the Spirit reveal the great and loving heart of God to the Church and the world, and bring the beauty, love and healing power of God's kingdom to needy mankind. Lk.10v9. Paul's statement in 1Cor.12v4-31., makes it clear that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are intended to operate in the Church, through its leading ministries and various members; as the various parts of the human body operate together in perfect co-operation and co-ordination. When Christians work together in love, and the Holy Spirit's gifts operate in perfect co-operation and co-ordination through the various ministries and members of the body of Christ; as they did in the first Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Jerusalem; then God can perform all the beautiful and wonderful things that He desires to do; and His kingdom will be greatly extended.


"Logos sophias"

A word of wisdom is a fragment of God's wisdom imparted to us; it is a supernatural revelation of the will and purposes of God. This is the first gift mentioned in the list in 1Cor.12v8-10., and it is the most important, because out of the knowledge of the will and purposes of God flows the manifestation of the other gifts. Following God's directive wisdom is the source of real spiritual power. Failure to obey God's words of wisdom has always ended in disaster, obedience has always resulted in blessing and victory. 2Chron.36v15-21. Lk.19v41-44. 2Chron.20v20. Much confusion has arisen from a purely human explanation of a word of wisdom, so let us consider:


1. It is not natural wisdom sanctified to the service of God.

No more than speaking with tongues is the consecration of linguistic ability to God, or the gifts of healings are the sanctified ministrations of the Christian doctor. It is a fragment of Divine wisdom.

2. It is not the ability to rightly interpret or preach the Scriptures.

A word of wisdom is not a result of intellectual process or consecrated study, nor is it anointed preaching and teaching, or the exposition of truth under Divine blessing. These are God-given ministries, but they are not within the sphere of the word of wisdom; which is a supernatural revelation of the purposes of God, operating in the realm of Divine direction and prediction, and not in the realm of preaching, teaching and exposition. In 1Sam.9v15,27. 10v1., "the Word of God" to Saul from Samuel, was not an exposition of Scripture; it was a revelation of the will and purpose of God, for Saul to be king over Israel. The Holy Spirit guides all Christians into truth as they read the Scriptures, but this is not the sphere of the word of wisdom, which is a direct personal revelation to us of the will, plans and purposes of God. Jn.16v13.

3. It is not the ability to guide and counsel people wisely.
A word of wisdom is not mature Christians guidance, which on occasions is absolutely necessary in the Christian life. It is Divine direction and guidance. Usually the guidance for everyday affairs needs common-sense and Christian wisdom. Ps.32v8-10. If we need a word of wisdom from God, He can break into our lives and routines, just as He has done so often with His children in the past.

4. It is not a good administrative ability.

It is not the ability to lead or guide large meetings or conferences, etc.; though sometimes such leaders may experience a real word of wisdom from God, just as James did in Acts.15v12-22,28.. Deacons probably fulfil the two administrative ministries spoken of as "helps" and "governments" in 1Cor.12v28..

5. The word of wisdom must not be confused with the normal gift of prophesy.
The simple gift of prophecy edifies, exhorts and comforts; whereas the word of wisdom directs, predicts, and reveals the purposes of God. 1Cor.14v3,23,25. Prophetic ministries will REGULARLY manifest the word of wisdom and the other gifts of revelation; whereas Christians with the simple gift of prophecy, may OCCASIONALLY manifest the gifts of revelation; and usually seldom on the highest levels of spiritual revelation. Daniel's predictive revelation ministry was exceptional, even among the greater prophets of the Old Testament. Eph.4v8-11. 1Cor.12v28. Acts.9v15,16. It appears only Agabus was told, in about A.D. 43, of the dangerous famine which started about a year later, and lasted from about A.D. 44 to 47, and caused the death by starvation of many in Judea. Acts.11v27-30. See 21v10,11.

6. The word of wisdom is not now intended to add to the Scripture.
All the truth that we need for this age is revealed to us in the Scriptures. Christ and His apostles and prophets have given us the only foundation upon which we can build as Christians. God has revealed His new purposes for each age as the new age has begun. When God gives words of wisdom to Christians today, it is usually to meet local circumstances or personal needs, it is NOT to add to the truth of Scripture. Those who claim that they have a new revelation of truth that replaces, or adds to the Holy Scriptures, should be rejected. Eph.2v20. 3v5. Rev.22v19. There are many false teachers today who claim a new organisation, a new order and authority, a new apostleship, and new doctrines, and they deny Christ's deity, death and doctrines. Paul warns us that they are motivated by another spirit, and are "deceitful workers", and "Satan's ministers;" who falsely claim to be messengers of light and ministers of righteousness. 2Cor.11v3,4,13-15. Beware of such teachers. Col.2v8,9. God has revealed His eternal truths and purposes to us in the Scriptures.

A word of wisdom is a fragment of God's Divine wisdom imparted to us; it is a supernatural revelation given by the Holy Spirit of the mind and purposes of God. It is God's will, plans and purposes revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. Through this gift the Holy Spirit has revealed in the past, Divine truth that has been received as "the oracles of God" and Holy Scripture; though this revelation of new truth ceased after the start of this age, God can still reveal His plans and purposes for individuals, communities, churches and nations, through this gift.


1. To reveal the vital spiritual truths, eternal counsels and sovereign purposes of God.

All the Divine revelations in Scripture of the purposes of God came through this gift. The Scriptures are "God-breathed," and this is why Jesus said that they could not be broken, they are "the oracles of God." 2Tim.3v14-17. Jn.10v35. Acts.7v38. Rom.3v2. Heb.5v12. The Bible proves its claim to inspiration. "The oracles of God" can be divided into two main groups.

a. Truths and principles, and general commands for living by.
The aim of the Law and Christ's teaching was to get people to live holy lives, to put love into action. Christ came to save us from sin. Mt.1v21.

b. God's hidden purposes, and His plan of the ages. Eph.1v21. 2v7. 3v11. Certain plans of God are not dependent upon men's reactions, they are God's eternal purposes and sovereign plans for His creation. These plans of God are called "mysteries," "musteria," which does not mean "mysterious things," but rather "hidden purposes." God has revealed His Divine secrets, and hidden purposes to His children. Eph.1v9,10. 3v3-11. Some of these wonderful purposes of God had been kept hidden since the foundation of the world, until they were revealed at the start of this age. Mt.13v11,17-35. Lk.10v21-24. Rom.16v25,26. 1Cor.15v51-53. Col.1v26. Titus.1v2.

God had an incredibly complex and wise plan of all the ages before He started His creation. We read in Eph.3v11., of God's "eternal purpose," "prothesin ton aionon," His "design concerning the ages," or His, "plan of the ages." Every age up to the Great White Throne judgement has been a preparation for the ages of ages after that judgement. During these preparatory ages, God has been recording the reactions of the free wills of His creatures. At the Great White Throne Judgement, God will make known the works of every creature; and every mouth will be stopped. Rom.3v19. God will show the perfect justice and wisdom of His dealings, and will prove by past history, that without His loving rule, and communal "agape" love, happiness in community life is quite impossible. The whole of God's great plan of the ages depended upon redemption in Christ, without which no creation would have been possible. Christ's death was foreknown and planned before the foundation of the world. Rom.16v25,26. Eph.3v10,11. Titus.1v2. Rev.13v8. We are also told, as children of God, of Satan's purposes and plans. 2Thes.2v7-12. Rev.2v13,24. Is.14v12-14. etc. Satan's plan to corrupt and destroy the earth, and by brute force and violence make the inhabitants of the earth worship him, is clearly told to us in the Scriptures. Rev.11v18. 13v1-18. N.B. v3,4.

God has revealed His secret plans and purposes to His children, but has hidden them from the worldling. Mt.13v9-17. Enoch had Christ's second coming revealed to him. Jude.v14. Abraham rejoiced over Christ's coming. Jn.8v56. Daniel had the revelation of future world empires, the first and second comings of Christ, the last judgement and eternal kingdom of God. Dan.7v1-16. 9v20-27. The apostles John and Paul received equally astounding revelations of the plans and purposes of God. These are but a few of those who have experienced the revelation of God's sovereign plans and purposes. The wonderful thing is that we still have a part in their fulfilment, and will enjoy during the endless ages of ages, the wonderful plans of our heavenly Father and the unsearchable riches of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph.2v4-7. 3v8,14-21. Hallelujah!

2. To warn of future Divine judgement.
God warned Noah of the flood, Gen.6v18-22.; and Abraham of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the other cities of the plain. Gen.18v17-33. 19v12,13. Elijah and Micaiah foretold Ahab's death. 1Kings.21v17-27. 11v1-39. 2Chron.18v1-34. God told many prophets of His purpose to judge Israel and Judah by captivity. 2Chron.36v15-21. Ezek.9v1-11. Is.10v5-27. Christ prophesied Jerusalem's destruction at the hands of Titus and the last great Antichrist. Lk.19v41-44. 21v20-24. Mt.23v29-39. Rev.17v15-18. Lk.17v20-37.

3. To give Divine direction before, or during natural catastrophe or national disaster.
Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and averted international disaster. Gen.41v1-44. God rewarded the faithful great woman of Shunem by preserving her in famine. 2Kings4v8-17. 8v1-8. Christians were prepared for famine by the prophesy of Agabus and took the appropriate action. Acts.11v27-30. Paul was warned of a storm and directed in it by words of wisdom. Acts.27v9-11,21-25,30-34,44.

4. To give Divine direction and deliverance in the time of persecution and danger.

David was protected from Saul. 1Sam.25v5,6. The three kings were delivered from sure defeat when fighting Moab. 2Kings3v4-27. The wise men, and Joseph and Mary, were warned of Herod's intentions. Mt.2v12,13,19,20. God told Jesus to delay His visit to Jerusalem, obviously to escape arrest. Jn.7v1-10,44-53. Paul was warned to flee from Jerusalem just after his conversion. Acts.22v17-21. Jeremiah's guidance from God was rejected, the result was death for all. Jer.42 and 43.

5. To give Divine defence in trial or persecution for Christ's sake.
Jesus tells us in Lk.12v11,12. and 21v12-15., that if we are persecuted and put on trial for our faith, we must not premeditate what to answer, for God will impart His Divine wisdom, and guide us what to say in that hour. Jesus warned us not to rely on oratory or clever answers, but on Divine illumination, He certainly had this experience when His foes asked Him the source of His authority in Mt.21v23-27.; and the lawfulness of offering tribute to Caesar in Mt.22v15-22.. The Divine wisdom and authority imparted to Peter and John gave them a boldness and assurance that amazed the Sanhedrin, they could only threaten them, they could not answer or silence them. Acts.4v8-22. 5v17-42. The writer has had the experience of saying things that were not in his mind and outside his knowledge. This promise gives us immense assurance in facing the unknown future, we know that we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

God may also inspire us to give our testimony as Paul did in Acts.22v1-24. and 26v1-32.; or tell us to take advantage of a division among our persecutors as in Acts.23v6-10.. God may inspire us to answer our foes with Scripture truth, as Christ did in Mt.22v23-33,41-46.; and Paul did in Acts.24v24-27.. See Col.4v6. 1Pet.3v13-18.. The Jews could not refute the divinely inspired irresistible Scriptural logic of Stephen; they had to kill him to silence him. Acts.6v8-10. and 7v1-60. If we have to die for our faith and divinely inspired truth, like Christ, Stephen, Paul, and almost all the apostles, we know that grace will be given to us to overcome. God can deliver us, but if He does not, He is still with us, and if our foes kill us, they only send us home to our heavenly Father, our Saviour, and heaven all the sooner. Death to the Christian is gain, life with Christ in heaven is far, far, far better than here. Dan.3v16-18. Phil.1v21-24. Heb.11v32-39. A.T. Robertson says of Phil.1v23., "'Very far better,' ('polloi mallon kreisson'). Double comparative (Lightfoot calls it triple because of 'polloi') like Isocrates and the 'Koine' often. See 2Cor.7v13. for 'perissoteros mallon.' 'Polloi' is the instrumental case of measure (by much)."

6. To give Divine direction in the work of God.

a. It can reveal and confirm a call from God to work for Him.

The call of Moses. Exod.3v1-13. Gideon. Judges.7v1-11. Isaiah. Is.6v8. Jeremiah. Jer.1v1-9. Paul. Acts.9v10-17. 13v1,2.

b. It can reveal a God-appointed leader.

Saul. 1Sam.9v16. David. 1Sam.16v6-13. The twelve apostles. Lk.6v12-19. Paul. Acts.9v15,16.

c. It can reveal God's strategic plans.
Jesus, Joshua and Jericho. Joshua.5v13 to 6v5. Elijah. 1Kings.17v1. 18v46. Philip. Acts.8v26-29. Peter. Acts.10v1-48. Paul. Acts.13v2. 16v6-10. Three thousand converts become missionaries. Acts.2v5,41. When the man born lame was healed there were many converts. Acts.4v4. Christ's ministry was strategically directed by His Father. Jn.5v19,20,30.

d. It can reveal the solution to a church problem. Acts.15v13-29.

In the council at Jerusalem, discussion was not ruled out, they said, "it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and us." Acts.15v28.

e. To judge or correct sin, or a wrong attitude so that God's work can prosper.

Peter's sectarian views were corrected by a revelation of God's purposes for the Gentiles. Acts.10v9-22,30-48. Ananias and Sapphira are exposed and judged by God for their sin. Acts.5v1-11. Christ corrects the seven churches in Revelation 1 to 3.

f. To reveal promises of blessings that are to come.

Abraham. Gen.12v1-7. 17v1-8. Jacob, Gen.25v23. 28v15. The promise of the Holy Spirit. Acts.2v16-21. with Joel.2v28-32.

g. To comfort and assure troubled saints.
God comforts us by revealing His eternal purposes for us. Josh.1v1-9. Jer.1v4-10. Acts.23v11. 27v22-24. Rev.1v9-18.

h. To give directions that will meet our material needs.
God loves to meet our needs for Divine direction and guidance in home, family life, work or business, this is as much a part of sacred service, and God's work as Church matters and worship. 1Kings.17v2-16. 2Kings.4v1-7. Lk.5v1-11. Mt.17v24-27.


1. Directive revelations should be carefully examined, and often rejected.

Paul tells us to test all prophecies in the fire, and reject all revelations that contradict or add to Scripture. 1Thes.5v20,21. We already have the foundation of Christian doctrine for this age. Eph.2v20. 3v5. Rev.22v19. 2Cor.11v3,4,13-15.

a. Don't let others direct you by supposed prophetic revelation.
This warning is necessary because arrogant false prophets have given false revelations that have ruined many people's lives, and directed them out of God's will. The Old Testament prophets enquired of God for people, and directed them; however, under the New Covenant this aspect of prophetic ministry has changed. Paul said in Rom.8v14.; that God's sons can all be personally led by God, and so we should seek guidance for ourselves. We read in Heb.8v8-13., that under the New Covenant, "they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me from the least to the greatest." Heb.10v19-22.

b. God-given guidance through others will confirm, not direct.
We should NEVER submit to guidance from others about which God has not already given us definite and well-confirmed guidance personally. Jn.14v16-26. 16v7-15. 21v20-22. Heb.4v12-16. 1Thes.5v20,21. We must consider thoughtfully, and at length, any revelations that are given to us; and beware of strong personalities who would interpret revelation in the light of their opinion, and counsel us into their decisions. A word of wisdom can show us personally how to serve God, but this gift is not given to us to direct another person's walk with God, as Peter found out, when Christ corrected him for trying to get guidance for John. Jn.21v20-22. Confirmation of guidance, can and may occur through others. In Acts.13v2. a word of wisdom confirmed what God had already told Paul and Barnabus, they received specific guidance direct from God, others confirmed it in a general and vague way. Take time to consider prophecies, and NEVER make instant decisions on them. Put them in the fire and test them. In 1Thes.5v21., "Prove all things," is "panta," which means, "all things;" and dokimazete," the present active imperative of "dokimazo," to approve after testing; it is used of the testing of metals, and money, make sure absolutely sure that any guidance that is given you is genuine and from God, and not counterfeit. The present tense shows the necessity of a continual testing of every prophetic revelation. Continual testing, not meek acceptance, is God's command.

God continually tests the ministries He has put in the Church. In 1Thes.2v4., Paul states "we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel;" "we have been approved," is "dedokimasmetha," the perfect passive indicative of "dokimazo;" the perfect tense shows a completed state, and so means tested and proved with the lasting approval of God. Paul finishes the verse by again using "dokimazo;" he writes, "so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, who tests our hearts." Here Paul uses "dokimazonti," the present active participle; to reveal that God tests, and continually scrutinises, all the thoughts and intents of the hearts, and inner lives of his apostles and ministers; pleasing Him is far more important than pleasing men. Paul reminds them of his pure motives and gentle care in looking after them as young converts. 1Thes.2v5-11.

c. Warnings in emergency through well-proven ministries should be heeded.
In emergencies, God can use trustworthy prophets, like Agabus; or spiritual Christians, like those at Tyre; to give specific direction from danger, or warnings of danger, by words of wisdom. Acts.20v22,23. 21v4,10-14. Paul was given the same warnings from God by many Christians, in many different locations, even though they were separated by hundreds of miles, and there was no possibility of contact or collusion between them. Through them God gave Paul a strong warning not to go to Jerusalem, which he ignored; and as a result his ministry was greatly restricted, and the Church was badly damaged by the Judaizers. Agabus warned of an approaching famine in Acts.11v27-30., this occurred from A.D. 44 to 48, and during it many people died in Judea of starvation, the church had about three years warning of the famine, and prepared for it.

2. Don't expect even genuine words of wisdom to always happen immediately.

a. Don't forget the time factor in prediction.

Remember the experience of the prophets in 1Pet.1v10-12.. You may think a prediction or promise from God may happen quickly, when it may take years to come to pass, and be fulfilled, and this can be a great trial of our faith. Satan tries to take advantage of the delay between a revelation and its fulfilment; He even cast doubt on our Lord's future ministry, and taunted Him to prove His ministry by doing the miraculous. Lk.4v1-13. N.B. v3,9,10. Eph.6v10-20. Heb.6v12. 10v32-39. Even great prophets have been tried by delays in the understanding and fulfilment of their prophecies. 1Pet.1v10-12. Ps.105.v17-19. Dan.7v15,16,28. 8v15,16,26,27.

b. Don't let circumstances overwhelm you, hold fast in faith.

There is sometimes a great discrepancy between circumstances as they appear and God's words of wisdom, hold on in faith. Lk.4v1-13. Eph.6v10-20. Heb.6v12. 10v32-39. Remember how God's Word tried Joseph's faith until it was fulfilled, but the Word of the Lord came to pass over 20 years later. Ps.105v17-22.

c. Don't try to force prophecies to come to pass, wait for God to fulfil His Word.
Don't try to bring a word of wisdom to pass, unless God tells you to do so; wait until God fulfils His Word. In Ps.34v7., "Rest in the Lord," is in the Hebrew, "Be silent to the Lord." In Ps.62v1., "Waiteth," means, "is silent." See Ps.40v1-4. 42v1-11.

3. Don't forget that God's purposes can be altered by repentance or rebellion.
A prophecy of judgement may not come to pass because people repent and put things right with God or man. Jonah.3v9,10. Promised blessing may also be withheld by God because of sin and sloth. Ps.95v8-11. Ezek.18v20-32. 2Cor.6v16 to 7v1. Repentance and a new consecration can change circumstances or stop the judgement of God. Ps.95v8-11. Numb.14v354,35. Ezek.18v20-32. 2Cor.6v16 to 7v1. Jonah.3v9,10. Is.38v1-22. God postponed Hezekiah's death, because of his new consecration and prevailing prayer. Is.38v1-22.

4. Don't forget that abiding in Christ is the key to obtaining prophetic revelation. Jn.15v1-17. 16v12-14.
God never intended us to divorce the manifestation of spiritual gifts from abiding in Christ, obeying God's Word, and prayerful communion with God, and this applies particularly to the word of wisdom. We have to walk with God to have His important ways, will, and purposes revealed to us before they happen. "God made His ways known unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel." Ps.103v7. Abiding in Jesus is the key to a profitable manifestation of the predictive prophetic gifts of the Holy Spirit.

2. THE GIFT OF A WORD OF KNOWLEDGE. "Logos gnoseos."
This is the second gift in the list in 1Cor.12v8-10., and it comes close behind the word of wisdom in importance. Let us consider some important facts about a word of knowledge, "logos gnoseos." See "logion" 1Pet.4v11. Acts.7v38.


1. A word of knowledge is not any kind of natural ability or knowledge.

A word of knowledge is the miraculous impartation of a small part of God's awesome omniscience. It is a fact that is supernaturally given by the Holy Spirit of which the recipient usually has no previous knowledge; however, it will occasionally confirm as a fact something we may have been told, felt, or feared, as when David asked God if the men of Keilah would deliver him to Saul, God told David they would. 1Sam.23v1-12. Reliance upon human ability hinders the manifestation of this gift, God does not glorify human pride or ability. Lk.10v21,22. Acts.4v13. 1Cor.1v26-31. Paul learned to glory in his limitations, not his abilities, so that Christ's power could rest upon him. 1Cor.2v1-5. 2Cor.12v5-10. God places no premium on ignorance, He resists pride in the ignorant and the intellectual. Ps.138v6. James.4v6.

2. A word of knowledge is not even a good knowledge of the Scriptures.

It is not the accumulation of Scripture facts by study, it is a spiritual revelation from God of some fact that we need to know. It is not any kind of preaching or teaching ministry, it is a revelation designed to show God's omniscience, care, and love.

3. A word of knowledge is not given to pry into people's lives.

It is not the gift of being a critical person or busybody; like all the gifts, it is intended to be manifested by the longsuffering and kind. Indeed, a Christian can only manifest this gift when God wants them to. When God reveals some great need in a person's life, it is seldom for the purpose of publicly challenging them; it may be to warn you, but usually it is so that you can pray for them, and help them. Many revelations should never be told to others, they are to reveal a matter for earnest prayer.

A word of knowledge is a supernatural revelation given by God, that reveals to us facts which we could not know other than by Divine revelation. It can tell us of events and things in the past, present, or future. It is totally miraculous, being a part of God's awesome omniscience. Sometimes Christians can receive a word of knowledge without realising it, Peter did not know that his statement that Christ was the Son of the living God, was a Divine revelation, until Jesus told him. Mt.16v16,17.

Sometimes we need a word of knowledge to make sense of a word of wisdom, or a word of wisdom to deal with the situation a word of knowledge reveals. Sometimes we only need common sense to act on the revelation of a word of knowledge, at other times we may need a word of God's wisdom. The close link between these two gifts is seen in the following examples.

1. To warn of dangers ahead.
This gift is a manifestation of the amazing omniscience and foreknowledge of God, and one of the major uses of this gift is to warn people of danger. God revealed Benhadad's secret plans to Elisha and saved Israel from his armies. 2Kings6v8-12. God warned the wise men, Mary and Joseph of Herod's evil intentions through dreams. Mt.2v12,13. Paul was warned of danger at Jerusalem, and the storm. Acts.21v10-12. 27v10,11,21-26. Sometimes we cannot avoid the circumstances and dangers ahead, they are in the path of duty, but God can graciously prepare us for them through this gift. If we refuse to listen to God's warnings through this gift, we can expect real trouble and spiritual defeat. God continually warned Israel of the intentions of surrounding nations, but they refused to listen, and would not make the spiritual preparations that would have given them victory. The apostles refused to accept Christ's revelations about His sufferings and death, and were defeated as a result. Mt.16v21-24. 17v22,23. 20v17-19. with Mt.26v55,56. Mk.16v9-14. Peter refused to accept the possibility of his fall, and so he fell. Jn.13v36-38. 18v25-27. Lk.22v31-34,54-62. Peter believed the prophecy of Jesus that he would be an old man before he died, and so he slept in prison, secure in the knowledge that God would deliver him, when there was unbelieving anxiety in the rest of the Christians. Jn.21v18,19. 2Pet.1v13,14. with Acts.12v5-7,13-17. God not only reveals great trials to us, sometimes, in His great wisdom, He hides them from us. 2Kings.4v27. We rejoice that our lives are in the hands of our heavenly Father, whose love and wisdom are absolutely perfect.

2. God can reveal a person's character and thoughts when necessary.

a. God can reveal trustworthy and beautiful souls He has called to His work.

Nathanael, Andrew, Peter and John. Jn.1v37,40-42,46-51. The apostles. Lk.6v12-16. Paul. Acts.9v17-25. 13v2. God also confirmed calls to those who He knew would fail Him badly. Saul. 1Sam.9v19. 10v16. Jeroboam. 1Kings.11v28-34. 13v1-34.

b. God can save us from being deceived by respected veneers, fine faces or guile.
We can often be wrong when we judge a person's character by human discernment, for they can hide from us what they are really like. Even the mature and wise Samuel was deceived by the fine looks of David's brothers, until God revealed their hearts to him. God's choice, the youngest son David, was excluded by Jesse from meeting the prophet Samuel, and was left outside to care for the sheep, even though Samuel had asked for all the sons to be present. 1Sam.16v5-13. The deceit of Jeroboam's wife was revealed to the blind prophet Ahijah. 1Kings.14v5,6. The slander of Judas was revealed to Jesus, Jn.6v70,71.; as were Simon's critical thoughts, Lk.7v36-40.; and the intentions of the Pharisees to trap Jesus in His speech. Lk.5v22. 14v1-6. Mk.2v5-8. Mt.22v15-22. N.B. v18.

c. God can deliver God's people from false prophets, etc. by means of this gift.
Jeremiah's and Ezekiel's foes. Jer.23v16. Ezek.13v2. Micaiah's enemies. Ahab and his false prophets. 1Chron.18v1-34.

d. God can expose the sinner's heart, and often bring them to repentance.
Paul tells us that when the secrets of the hearts of unbelievers are revealed, they will fall down on their face and say that God is in the midst. 1Cor.14v24,25. David. 2Sam.12v1-9. Jesus manifested this gift with the woman at the well. Jn.4v16-19,29. This kind of revelation is nearly always accompanied by the forgiving mercy of God, however, occasionally, God has brought judgement upon those who have committed gross and deliberate unrepentant sin, as in the case of Gehazi, 2Kings.5v20-27.; and Ananias and Sapphira. Acts.5v1-11. Achan was judged, because 36 men died because of his sin. Joshua.7v1-26. The Jezebel of Rev.3v20-23., died for her sin. We must remember that God will never reveal sin that has been confessed and forgiven, and is under the blood, He will only reveal unconfessed sin. Is.44v22. Acts.3v19. Heb.8v10-12.

3. God can reveal the facts about people to inspire them to seek and trust God.

a. It can reveal a seeking heart and its need and so that need can be met.

The woman at the well believed in Jesus through one outstanding word of knowledge, and inspired others to believe through her testimony to that word of knowledge. Jn.4v1-42. N.B. v18,29. Ananias was told that Paul, the leading opponent of the Church, had become a praying Christian and was given his address and told to visit Paul and pray for him. God told Paul that Ananias was going to visit him, pray for him, and restore his sight. Acts.9v10-19. Cornelius was told the name and address of Peter and was instructed to send for him, the result was a remarkable revival, and many seeking hearts found Jesus. Acts.10v1-48.

b. It can greatly encourage discouraged saints.
Elijah was told of the faithful 7,000, who had not bowed the knee to Baal. 1Kings.19v14-18. Angels tell the women of the risen Christ. Mt.28v6. Jesus told Paul that He had many people in wicked Corinth, without this knowledge Paul might have felt the position was hopeless, he was greatly encouraged by this revelation and won a great victory for God. Acts.18v6-11. Josiah and Cyrus were greatly encouraged to perform God's will by the revelation of their names and work about 200 years before they fulfilled the prophecies spoken about them. 1Kings.13v2. 2Kings.21v24. to 23v25. Is.45v1-4.

c. Christ can reveal and heal broken hearts, wounded spirits and scarred memories.
The wounds of sin, heartbreak from bereavement, great domestic problems, indeed emotional injuries, scars and hurts of any kind can be revealed and healed by the Christ who came to send forth the crushed in liberty. Is.61v1-3. Lk.4v18,19. Jn.4v16-19,29. This is one of the most precious uses of this lovely gift of the Holy Spirit.

d. To inspire faith for salvation or healing. Jn.1v48,49. 4v48.
Jesus revealed to Nathanael that he had been sitting under a fig tree, and was praying and thinking about Jacob's stairway to heaven; it inspired him to believe that Jesus was the promised Messiah. Jesus still inspires faith in the same way today, I have seen God save and heal people as a result of this kind of revelation. Lk.13v12-16. Hindrances to healing can be revealed and removed; for example, a husbands ill-treatment of their wife or children, or a bitter spirit of unforgiveness. Mt.18v5-7,35. 1Pet.3v7.

4. God can reveal real needs for prayer through words of knowledge.
This is the gift of the prayer warrior. Christ prayed earnestly for Peter before his fall, and Peter came through in spite of his sin and failure. Mk.14v27-31,37,38,50. Paul prayed for Christians who he had never met personally by revelation through words of knowledge. Col.2v1-5. 1Cor.5v3. So did the apostle John in Rev.2. and 3.. The Holy Spirit has given many Christians a revelation of a prayer need, and they have later found that those who they were praying for were in great need. By revealing needs for prayer, a word of knowledge can carry the directive force of a word of wisdom, and show us the need for prayer, action and faith.

5. God can reveal how material needs in His work can be met through this gift.
The place to hold the Passover feast, and a Christian meeting. Mk.14v12-16. The coin in the mouth of the fish. Mt.17v24,25. Transport into Jerusalem. Zech.9v9. with Mk.11v1-7. See 1Sam.10v1-8. 30v1-8,18,19.

The word of knowledge has an important place as a sign and wonder.
A word of knowledge can have a tremendous effect upon people as we can see from Daniel's revelation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, it shook an empire. Dan.2v21-26. It was an important part of the Old Testament prophets armoury, and has an equally important part to play in this age. A word of knowledge from God's all knowledge, can make all the difference between defeat and victory, and even if the revealed knowledge is only a small thing like the revelation of a persons dream or thoughts, or a coin in the mouth of a fish, or a person sitting under a fig tree, it can bring real blessing and meet very real needs, and greatly glorify the Lord Jesus. This gift is one of the bright colours in the rainbow of God's infinite abilities and fullness. We may consider this gift separately from the others, but it is really part of God's indivisible fullness and ability, as are all the other gifts. Let us earnestly desire this greater gift from our heavenly Father.


What do the Greek words "logos sophias" and "logos gnoseos" convey?

a. The Greek word "logos."

"Logos" is used for a personal title of our dear Lord Jesus. Jn.1v1-18. However, in the context of "a manifestation of the Spirit," 1Cor.12v7., it can have but two possibilities. It can convey the thought of divinely inspired Christian doctrine, Titus.1v3,9. Heb.2v2. 6v1.; or Divine revelation of a prophetic nature. 2Thes.2v2. Indeed, the cognate word, "logion" is used exclusively in the New Testament to speak of revelation from God, it is translated as "oracles" in the Authorised Version in Acts.7v38. Rom.3v2. Heb.5v12, and 1Pet.4v11., and this is also the meaning of the word in classical literature. "Logos sophias" and "logos gnoseos" do not necessarily speak of human utterance, this is the sphere of the gift of prophecy. They may, or may not, be spoken out; they can be for our personal instruction, as in the case of Paul in 2Cor.12v1-4., who heard "unspeakable words," "arreta remata," which it was not lawful, "ouk exon," for him to utter.

Trench in considering the difference between "phone" and "logos," states on page 334 and 335 of his "Synonyms of the New Testament," that utterance is not an essential characteristic of "logos," and need not refer to a spoken word. "But 'logos,' a word, saying, or rational utterance of the 'nous,' (mind), whether spoken or unspoken, being as it is the correlative of reason, can only be predicted of men, of angels, or of God. ---- Augustine traces with a singular subtlety the manifold and profound fitness which lie in them for the setting forth of those relations. A word, he observes, is something even without a voice, for a word in the heart is as truly a word as after it is outspoken; while a voice is nothing, a mere unmeaning sound an empty cry, unless it be also the vehicle of a word." End of quote.

b. The Greek word for wisdom is "sophias."
"Wisdom," "sophias," is used of "devilish wisdom." James.3v15. Of natural human wisdom. Mt.16v1-3. However, in the context of "a manifestation of the Spirit;" 1Cor.12v7.; it speaks of a Divine wisdom imparted by the Holy Spirit.

Robinson says on page 761 of his Lexicon of "sophias." "In respect to Divine things, wisdom, i.e. knowledge, insight, deep understanding, represented everywhere as a Divine gift, and including the idea of practical application; thus distinguished from "gnosis" or theoretical knowledge;...It is specially used of insight imparted from God in respect to the Divine counsels."

A word of wisdom communicates a fragment of Divine knowledge and wisdom, it is not a result of human reasoning.

c. The Greek word for knowledge is "gnoseos."
"Gnoseos," is used in the New Testament to speak of all kinds of spiritual knowledge, doctrinal knowledge, as well as revelation knowledge. Lk.1v77. 11v52. Rom.2v20. 11v33. 15v14. 1Cor.13v2,8. 14v6. Eph.3v19. Phil.3v8. Col.2v3. 2Pet.3v18. However, when it is used in the context of "a manifestation of the Spirit;" it speaks of a divine communication of knowledge and truth, not a product of human thought. 1Cor.12v7. It is clear from these facts, that words of wisdom and knowledge have been the means of conveying to us eternal Divine doctrinal truth, that are part of the Scriptures, as well as ordinary prophetic truth for a temporary and local situation. However, the foundation for Scripture truth has been laid for this age, and we are forbidden to add to or take away from it. Gal.1v6-9. Eph.2v20. 3v5. Jude.v3,4. Rev.22v19. The present manifestations of these two gifts, are to meet present needs, not to convey new truth.

Words of Wisdom and Words of Knowledge do not make a person a Bible Teacher.

a. A teacher's gift is of a more permanent and continuous nature.

Both "logos sophias" and "logos gnoseos" lack the definite article, and so the indefinite article "a" should be placed before them; "a" word of wisdom and knowledge, which implies they are speaking of something which is fragmentary. A teacher's ministry is a permanent divinely given faculty, not a sporadic spiritual gift. Paul taught all night by ministry gift; he also experienced Divine illumination and guidance through spiritual gifts. Acts.16v6-11. 18v9-11. Compare Acts.20v6-12. Paul was a teacher who also had a revelation ministry. Acts.13v1.

Where does the faculty to expound the Scripture, and to reveal the deeper knowledge and fundamental doctrines of Christianity come from? It is obviously a permanent faculty and gift deposited in the mind and spirit by God. Eph.4v11. That there can be an extension of both natural and spiritual faculties by Divine anointing is a fact of Scripture. Moses prayer for Joshua imparted an anointing, wisdom and spiritual insight. Deut.34v9. Jesus revealed experimental truth to babes and sucklings that was hidden from the wise and prudent. Mt.11v25-27. Lk.10v17-24. N.B. v 21. Paul prayed that God would give the Christians at Ephesus, "a spirit of wisdom and revelation," so that they could fully perceive vital spiritual truth, and fully perceive the love of Christ. Eph.1v15-19. 3v14-20. This anointing can give the ability to perceive already revealed truth as well as manifest spiritual gifts. A spiritual gift is a temporary gift from the Holy Spirit to a person; a teaching ministry is a permanent and continuous ministry of doctrine through a person. The revelation gifts are given to us through the operation of the Holy Spirit upon our spirit; a teaching ministry comes through the disciplined use of our mind under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. A Bible teacher's source of material is the Scripture, not revelation gifts; he may receive illumination upon known truth by Divine revelation, and incorporate it into his teaching; but his main source of teaching material is the Scriptures.

b. A teacher expounds known Scripture truth, not reveals unknown facts.

"Logos sophias" and "logos gnoseos" both speak of Divine revelation, and not of the accumulation of facts by intellectual process, which is the work of a Christian teacher, who has to "labour in the word and doctrine." 1Tim.5v17. A teacher consecrates the talent of a good and keen mind to God and is enabled to discern truth by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. All Christians are guided into Scriptural truth by the Holy Spirit, but all do not manifest the spiritual gifts of words of wisdom and knowledge. These two gifts give knowledge that can only be obtained by Divine revelation, and speak of a knowledge outside of that revealed in the Scripture, which is open to all to read and understand. These two gifts operate in the sphere of direction, prediction, and revelation, and not in the realm of continuous teaching and Scriptural exposition. Some Christians have a remarkable teaching ministry from God, even though they have little or no prophetic or revelation ministry. Obviously such Scriptures as 1Cor.2v9-16. Eph.1v17,18. and Jn.16v13-15.; can include both revelation via spiritual gifts and by Scriptural truth. Both teaching ministries and spiritual gifts have a vital part to play in building up Christ's Church.

"Diakriseis pneumaton."

This is the third of the three gifts of revelation, though it is seventh in the list in 1Cor.12v8-10.. It is spoken of in the plural, "diakriseis," means "discernings;" probably because its operation usually reveals the activities of both good and evil spirits.


1. It is not a critical spirit, or the ability to find fault in others.

This gift discerns spiritual beings, not human faults, for the Scriptures condemn derogatory fault finding. Mt.7v1. Rom.2v1-4.

2. It is not Christian discernment, or natural discernment.
Though Christ warned us against having a critical spirit, He also told us to use a loving Christian discernment; we are not to believe or swallow everything we are told or taught; Jesus told us to test people by the fruit of their lives. Mt.7v5-23. 10v16. 1Thes.5v21. Mature Christians may possess great ability to wisely and clearly discern the characters of human beings; however, this is not the gift of discerning of spirits, which is concerned with the revelation of the activities of spiritual beings. The gift of discerning of spirits has also nothing to do with psychology, or psychiatry; it is the discerning of spirits, not minds.

Discernings of spirits is not the discernment that every Christian has as a result of having a born again spirit. John.3v3-7. Eph.2v1. 1Cor.2v9-16. As our spirit grows stronger, we are more and more able to discern spiritual things, and to receive the revelations of the Holy Spirit. Lk.1v80. 2v42,52. Heb.5v13,14. The new birth enables every Christian to possess, in some measure, the ability to discern Satanic inspiration. However, the spiritual capacity to receive the gift of discerning of spirits, is not the gift itself, it is not the exercise of our own spirit, it is a revelation of the Holy Spirit. The apostle John tells us that we can discern truth from error by the inner witness of the Holy Spirit, and most Christians can, if they are spiritually mature enough, sense the presence of good or evil powers. 1Jn.2v26,27. However, the discernings of Spirits is a far more enlightening revelation than ordinary Christian discernment, and has a far wider sphere of operation. A Christian may see the activities of good or evil powers in open, pictorial, or mental vision, in the past, present and future. Exod.24v9-18. Our Lord saw all the details of Satan's future sifting of Peter. Lk.22v31-34. Both Christian discernment and the gift of discerning of spirits have an important place in the protection of Christians from Satan's wiles. We should exercise Christian discernment all the time, and expect the Holy Spirit manifest His gift of discerning of spirits, when He feels that it is necessary.

3. It is not to take the place of Scriptural tests of character or inspiration.
We are to test people by the fruit of their lives, their love for people and God, their doctrine; particularly about Christ, and by their love of prayer and God's word. Mt.7v15-23. 1Cor.12v3. Is.8v19.20. 1Jn.4v1-5. Jn.13v34,35. Ps.24v6. 1v1-6. Lk.24v53. All Christians can, and should, test people's doctrine and fruit, but not all Christians have the gift of discerning of spirits.

4. It is not communication with spirits as in Spiritualism, etc..
The visit of Moses and Elijah at the glorious transfiguration of Jesus in Lk.9v28-36., must not be confused with Spiritualism and similar evil occult manifestations, such as divination, astral projection, sorcery, black magic, fortune telling, astrology, and witchcraft, which are repeatedly condemned in the Scriptures. Lev.19v31. 20v6,27. Deut.18v8-20. 2King.21v2,6. Ex.22v18. with 1Sam.28v6,7. Is.8v18-20. 1Chron.10v13,14. Is.19v3. 47v13. Mal.3v.5. Acts.13v1-11. 16v16-18. 19v19. 1Cor.10v20,21. Gal.5v19,21. 1Jn.4v1-5. Rev.21v8. 22v15. (We must remember that Elijah had never died, and, from Jude.v9, it appears that Moses had a special resurrection to appear in "The Holy Mount. 2Pet.1v16-21.) When supposed communications with the dead occur, they are really familiar spirits who impersonate the dead. God does not allow the living to contact dead relatives. 2Sam.12v22,23. Eccles.9v5-10. Job.7v7-10,21. 20v5-9. Lk.16v19-31. Evil spirits are familiar with the lives of the people they imitate, they give correct information and a clever imitation of people who are dead. By such deceptions Satan attempts to destroy the souls of men, He is a master of illusion, lies and deception. The dead cannot be contacted, for if they have been wicked, they are in Hades; and if righteous, in Heaven. Jesus has the keys of death and Hades, and the souls of the dead are in His care. Rev.1v18. Spiritualists and other false cults deny Christ's deity, atonement and resurrection, and His doctrine about Heaven, Hell, and eternal judgement, as well as other vital truths; we can have no part with them. As Christians we can seek and receive the genuine gift of discerning of spirits, from Christ our Lamb, and the Holy Spirit our comforting gentle dove.

4. It is not to be confused with the word of knowledge.
The revelations of people's hearts and minds is in the province of the word of knowledge, the vision of the influence of good or evil spirits upon a person's mind is in the province of the discerning of spirits.

It is a supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to temporarily see into the spirit world. It can reveal a fragment, or a wide range of activity in the spirit world, in the past, present, or future. It brings the revelation of either good or evil spirits.


1. This gift can reveal if demon power is the cause of sickness.

The Scriptures inform us that the primary cause of sickness is sin, which resulted in the taking away of the tree of life through Adam's sin. Gen.2v9-17. 3v1-24. Ez.47v7-12. Rom.5v12-14. Rev.2v7. 22v7. The Bible also tells us that some sickness is caused by demons. Mt.4v23,24. 8v28-34. 9v32-34. 12v22-24. 15v21-28. 17v14-21. with Mk.9v23. Christ came to deliver mankind from Satan's power and malice, and destroy his evil works. Acts.10v38. Jn.8v36. 1Jn.3v8. Lk.4v17-21. 13v10-17. Heb.13v8. However, all sickness should not be attributed to Satan. Sickness can also be due to natural causes, such as ageing, neglect of the body, heredity, accident, war, poisoning, infection, virus and germs, etc.. The Scriptures clearly distinguish between ordinary sickness and lunacy and epilepsy through natural causes, and lunacy and sickness due to demon possession. Mt.4v23,24. 17v15-18. This gift can reveal if sickness is due to demon oppression or demon possession.

N.B. No Christian can be possessed by demons.
Even godly children of God have been ill as a result of Satan's attacks, but there is no record of them being sick as a result of demon possession. Indeed, Jesus promised that Christians cannot be possessed by Satan. Lk.11v9-13. 1Jn.5v18. A Christian may fail God, and say, or do, something wrong; but this should never be confused with demon possession. Mt.16v13-27. 26v69-75. Only Christians who have apostacised from Jesus get possessed. Mt.12v22-32,43-45. Mk.3v22-30. Don't suffer from "demonitis," and blame everything on demons. It is foolish and harmful to pretend that we have this gift and pretend to cast out demons from everybody, including good Christians. Those who hurt people by saying that they have a demon, when they have not, will experience severe discipline from God.

If a Christian has the gifts of the Holy Spirit, they will be able to deal with a demon who is oppressing a person, without anybody knowing about it. The revelation of a demon's influence, by discerning of spirits, and the removal of that influence by the gift of faith, can take place by the operation of the power of God, through silent prayer and a command in the mind and spirit of the Christian praying for the person, without any other person knowing it, or anyone being hurt or disturbed. Demon possession occurs rarely, and then only among people who are not Christians. Sometimes demons will openly manifest themselves in public in unbelievers; and so they have to be openly dealt with. To deal with some powerful evil spirits needs real faith and much prayer. Mk.9v14-18. Jesus never demanded faith from a person who was mentally sick, or out of their minds because of the oppression or possession of demons, the onus is upon the person praying for them. Jesus cast out demons with His word, not by the laying on of hands, this was perhaps because demons can be very violent..

2. It can safeguard the spiritual life of a Christian or a church.

a. It can reveal a Satanic oppression of the mind.

Even Jesus was viciously attacked by Satan in His thoughts, Satan nagged and derided Him, and tried to destroy His faith and character, and divert Him from His mission. Mt.4v1-11. Lk.4v1-14. Satan attacks us in the same way, and tries to discourage and divert us. This gift exposes his attacks on Christians and set them free from fear and stress. 2Cor.10v4,5.

b. It can reveal a servant of Satan and the power behind Satanic miracles.
As we have seen, false prophets can be tested by their lives and doctrine, Mt.7v15-23. 1Jn.4v1-9., but we may need to know the spirit moving a person before we can know their lives or doctrine. False prophets craftily hide their true doctrine, but God can reveal the evil spirit that is with them, and so protect us from them. Acts.8v9-23. 13v6-12. 16v16-18. 19v17-20.

c. It can reveal Satan's attempts to corrupt and hinder God's work.
Satan tries to corrupt, seduce, divide, and infiltrate churches. 1Cor.1v10-17. 3v1-7. Acts.5v3,4. 2Cor.11v3,4,13-15. Eph.6v11. We need to take great care in these last days. 1Tim.4v1-7. 2Pet.2v1-4. This gift can reveal the spirit moving fanatics, occultists, Spiritualists, and false prophets, or even carnal Christians out to oppose the Pentecostal experience. Satan puts carnal people in control of churches to hinder God's work. We need to know when and how Satan is trying to seduce Christians, this knowledge can deliver us from evil, temptation and trial. Peter had a revelation from God, then, shortly after he had one from Satan; Jesus perceived the source of both. Mt.16v22,23.

d. It can reveal the power behind persecution, blasphemy and slander.

Paul's thorn was an angel of Satan who stirred up persecution wherever he went. Gal.6v17. 2Cor.11v23 to 12v12. Christ was persecuted by people stirred up by Satan. Mk.3v22-30. Jn.8v44.

e. It can stop us from failing to discern a genuine move of the Holy Spirit.

Revivals have often been greatly hindered by ministers and others, who have strongly objected to the emotional effects of the movings of the Holy Spirit, they have criticised fervent praise and worship as "emotionalism" and "hysteria." John Wesley writes in his journal on Dec. 24th 1739: "Towards morning, one of them was overwhelmed with joy and love, and could not help showing it by strong cries and tears. At this another was much displeased, saying, 'It was only nature, imagination, and animal spirits.' O thou jealous God, lay not this sin to her charge; and let us not be wise above what is written."

Those who are critical of a Pentecostal revival must not only be prepared to give a full Scriptural reason for their unbelief, but also to show us their personal spiritual credentials for making that judgement. We have to be very careful lest we resist the Holy Spirit by our unscriptural traditions, prejudice, unbelief, fear of the supernatural, and a determination to run to time, or the plan or order that we have arranged. We need above all things to discern the plans and movings of the Holy Spirit.

f. It can deliver from deadly persecution, and bring people to Christ.

Paul was converted by a vision of Jesus, this achieved what even miracles could not do. This is an unusual way for people to be converted, but it is certainly the most powerful way that God can speak to men. Acts.10v1-8. Compare Rev.19v11-21.

3. The discerning of spirits can be the ultimate encouragement to the Christian.

God can give us visions of Himself, the Lord Jesus, and good angels, that can transform us, indeed, it was these visions that made the prophets and apostles what they were, and gave them the strength to fulfil their missions. Exod.3v1-6. Numb.22v22-32. Judges.13v3,8-21. 1Kings.22v19. 2Kings.6v17. Is.6v1-13. Ezek.1v1-28. Lk.1v10-8. Mt.28v2-7. 2Pet.1v16-21. Rev.1v1-20. Acts.12v7-10. etc. Visions like these are absolutely indispensable in difficult circumstances, and murderous persecution, such a vision upheld the martyr Stephen at his death. Acts.7v55. Paul had several visions of Christ and angels, and also of the glory of Heaven, these gave him the strength to perform his mission. Acts.9v3-6. 22v17-21 18v9-11. 2Cor.12v1-4. Acts.17v23-25. Jesus needed this help, because of the pressure of his ministry and his humanity; the Father gave Him a glorious revelation in the Holy Mount at His transfiguration. Lk.9v28-36. 22v23-26. 2Pet.1v16-18. "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the sufferings of death, crowned with glory and honour: that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man." Heb.2v9. The gift of discerning of spirits varies from a simple revelation of a demon, to the ultimate beatific vision of God. We need the manifestation of this gift today, it is one of God's great gifts to His Church.

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